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Danny Meyer's Guide to Being a Better Host

Danny Meyer—owner of Shake Shack and countless fine dining restaurant—is the king of hospitality. We got his advice on being a better host at home, just in time for the holidays.

Released on 12/08/2015


(swing music)

Think about how your home feels

to you before your guests arrive.

Think about what the human emotion,

spirit, is in your own home.

Make sure that your family is putting out

really, really good energy.

If you look people in the eye and you let them know

that they were seen, it is probably the most

deeply appreciated feeling you

could possibly give somebody.

Let people know where you want them to sit.

My advice is cook something you're really confident in.

As much effort as you're going to put into the food

and the drink, what people are really going to remember

is was it a good use of time?

I don't think anybody ever minds that the host

gives a quick toast at the beginning.

One of the things we do in our own home is to

agree with each other.

When we think our guests might want to leave.

Don't make someone feel badly who wants to leave.

It's a really awkward thing for somebody

who has to leave to feel like they're

doing you a disservice by doing so.

You're the boss.

Clink your glass and change the subject.

It's a good trick and you should remember that one.
