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How To Make Every Coffee Drink

打破你的豆研磨机,来关注because barista class is in session! Join Kaleena Teoh and Chi Sum Ngai, owners of Coffee Project NY, as they teach us how to make (almost) every espresso drink your average coffee consumer could come across. From venerable lattes and cappuccinos to creamy affogatos and martinis with a kick, Kaleena and Sum break down everything there is to know about espresso - and prepare you with a barista’s knowledge for the next time you’re at the local shop.

Released on 09/28/2020


[upbeat music]

[jingling sound]

Hi, my name is Sum.

And my name is Kaleena.

Together we are Coffee Project, New York.

We own several coffee shops in New York city

with a roastery, and we teach coffee skills

to coffee professional and coffee aficionados alike.

Today we're in our Specialty Coffee Association

Premier Training Campus

and we will be making every espresso.

Well, almost every espresso-based drink.

We're definitely going to be making all the classics,

some more fun drinks, but, definitely, by the end of this,

you will be able to walk comfortably into a coffee shop

and identify most of the drinks on the menu.

[whooshing sound]

We have two different types of espresso machine in here.

This is an automatic espresso machine

and this is a manual espresso machine.

An automated a espresso machine

has a steam wand that's built in.

You use the steam wand to froth milk

and you'll be able to make drinks

such as Cappuccinos and lattes.

The portafilter is a part of this machine.

In the portafilter, you'll be able to see a basket

with very, very fine

holes and

we use a tamper

to create a compact coffee bed and extract espresso.

We have two kinds of scales here for consistency.

First, we have to measure how much espresso

that we're putting in into the portafilter.

Secondly, we'll need the scale to measure

how much water that goes through the portafilter

and yield as espresso in the final cup.

We have two different type of grinders,

a manual hand grinder, and then automated grinder.

So this is a knock box.

All the coffee grinds that are stuck in your portafilter

it's really compact togethers.

You need something to hit on.

Therefore, your puck falls off.

So you also need espresso beans

as roasted slightly longer than usual.

The beans that we use today,

it is of a medium roast,

but remember, you can pick any beans that you like

and make into espresso

because espresso is a brewing method and not just a beans.

[whooshing sound] Espresso manual.

So espresso, by definition, is actually a brewing method

that uses pressure to push water

through a compact coffee bed.

You actually don't need a really expensive espresso machine

in order to achieve that result.

We're gonna use [grinding noise]

a hand grinder for this manual espresso machine.

Awesome, they should feel somewhat like sand powder.

Well, the Specialty Coffee Association, SCA,

would actually ask for you to brew an espresso

using a one to 1.5 to one to 2.5 coffee to water ratio.

I'll be using 17 grams of espresso

so the funnel above it is half-full.

Even it out by just shaking it around.

[knocking sound]

So now I have fully prepared the puck.

We are gonna start extraction.

Place the puck right here.

This is an anti-water flow funnel,

which I'm gonna attach it at the top.

The whole purpose is to build a chamber for us

to create that pressurized water going

through the compressed coffee bed.

I preheat my kettle water ahead of time

and this is actually at 200 Fahrenheit, rough measurement,

there's a tiny line in there where I can actually put it in

to somewhat at your line.

Attach this little handle here into it.



I'm actually yielding this at 30 gram

with the time about

32 seconds.

Different pressure will actually give you

a different sort of taste profile.

For a standard espresso shot,

usually you get about nine bars.

I am currently using my whole body weight

to press

and look, it has a really nice texture, crema,

the thinner, clearer line, that's what we call the crema.

Crema essentially is all the coffee oil and gas

that was built up from the pressure of extraction

and at the bottom of it, that is where the coffee is.

Instead of just drinking out of the cup with the crema,

some people shake it or I like it,

with a spoon, give it a stir,

sip. [Sum slurps]


[whooshing sound] [chiming sound]

You get to taste a lot more aroma, fragrance

and also the flavor of the espresso if you do the slurping.

An espresso shot should always be balanced.

You should have a bit little of acidity

and then, it should be balanced out with sweetness,

nuttiness and some chocolate milk at the end.

[whooshing sound] Espresso machine.

A lot of busy people who in the morning,

they just want a very consistent shot of espresso,

they would just program in a way that's a single button,

that's a double button.

First of all, you want to make sure

you have your portafilter, we already pre dosed it so

[whirring sound]

There you go. we're doing a double shot.

It's pre-weighed at about 14 grams of coffee.

You want to turn either clockwise, counterclockwise,

whichever is easier for you,

but make sure you don't do this.

I just want to make sure that they're distributed

nicely and evenly.

Clean the sides of the portafilter.

It also comes with a little tamper.

Hold the temper like you would hold a doorknob

and just go straight down.

You want to be able to create a even flat coffee bed.

Usually, we do a

fast test.

It shouldn't fall out. Lock it in.

It's usually a up and a twists motion.

Once you have the portafilter locked in,

put your cup in and make sure we tare our scale.

And there you go,

your espresso will be ready in less than 30 seconds.

We can see that it has a lot more crema

compared to what I did.

I probably had pressed the lever a little bit

less of pressure compared to this machine over here.

You always wanna take a spoon, stirred them all together.

If you're getting a light roast coffee

or a medium roast coffee,

you might get a slightly thinner layer of crema

and that's totally normal.

And sip.

[Sum slurps]

[whooshing sound] Doppio

There are different ways to pull an espresso shot

to yield a different flavor profile.

And we're going to start right now with pulling a Doppio,

which means a double in Italian.

This is usually what you get in the coffee shop

when you order any espresso-based drinks,

you're probably getting something

in between 30 to 40 grams of coffee.

When you order an espresso at Coffee Project

just by saying, Hey, can I get an espresso?

It will be default, double espresso.

We're gonna pull a double espresso by grinding the coffee

[whirring sound]

pre dose

at 14 grams

and even 10.

And my coffee automatically stops at 43 grams,

beautiful crema, beautiful cascade.

Because of the sheer volume of the double shot,

it is definitely double the amount of caffeine.

[whooshing sound] Lungo

A Lungo

is a prolonged


for yielding a bigger cup of espresso.

And for people who usually order a Lungo,

they usually would like to taste

a little bit more of the roast profile

compared to just like the bean profile.

You'll get a lot more of the sugar browning flavor,

like chocolate, caramel, or hazelnut.

These are the taste notes that comes from extraction

in a later cycle of the shot.

We're still going to use the dose of a double espresso,

Even distribution, 90 degree.

We actually programmed the single shot to be a Lungo shot.

So now we're actually pulling almost double the amount

of volume that came out in the double shot.

For a double espresso, we're extracting

between the 20 seconds to a 30 seconds shot,

but the Lungo,

it is prolonged to closer to about 40 seconds.

At the end of the day,

when you are dully in an espresso shot,

it's all governed by tastes.

When we're extracting espresso

for a longer period of time,

whatever we're yielding is actually the roast profile

or a bit more what you get

from the sugar browning process of doing extraction.

So you would get a little bit more off the chocolate,

the caramel, the hazelnut, lower acidity, lighter body.

It's meant to be like a steeper and stir up

like what we're all used to express a being like in a shot

[whooshing sound] Ristretto.

So restretto is essentially an espresso shot

that you're pulling with a finer grind size

yielding a smaller cup of espresso.

You wanna make sure you're using a finer grind size.

So we're gonna go ahead and adjust that just a teeny bit.

Whenever you adjust a grind size,

always, always remember to perch your grinder.

[whirring sound]

You're like, cool, you know, that's a waste.

It's because you wanna be able to make sure

that you're using the real grind size,

the one that you just change and not the reminiscence

of the previous shot.

[whirring sound]

Ristretto is actually cutting short the brew time.

Since we're stopping it a lot sooner,

what you're getting as like a punch of acidity, sweetness

and a really concentrated cup of espresso.

Really tiny, really thick.

You see the ratio between the crema and also the coffee

is almost one to one, and it's a lot heavier in body.

This Ristretto shot has yield

around 20 ramps at around 20 seconds.

As much as people believe

that it has a very high level of caffeine,

a shot of espresso actually has less caffeine

compared to a 12 ounce cup of coffee.

[whooshing sound] Americano

Hot water filled up,

and then we top it up with a double shot of espresso.

So you always fill the water in first

before you put the shot in there.

And that's because if you're doing it the other way around,

you basically dissipate the layer of crema

and you defeat the purpose of an Americano.

There you go, hot water. [water dribbles]

You are totally in control of how much water you want

in your cup of Americano.

[whirring sound]


So once you get your double espresso shot,

all you gotta do is just pour it right into

your cup.

And now you can see how the crema stays afloat.

You still retain all this quality that you get

from an espresso, the boldness, the punch,

and then that creaminess.

But now it's a bigger drink.

[whooshing sound] Cortado

Two shots of espresso.

And then top with equal amount of steam milk.

A favorite among a lot of baristas

because you still get that punch of espresso in there,

but it's sweetened by, you know, the same amount of milk.

Cortado also comes with another name,

sometimes if you go to a coffee shop

and you see the word Gibraltar,

it's the name of this cup.

[clicking sound]

Right, so we have our double shot of espresso.

You want to first let the water that's built up

in your steam wand out.

So you're gonna turn that on just to release

most of the water.

(刺耳的声音)Once you see steam,

you can stop.

And when you're frothing, few rule of thumb,

it's gonna take a few seconds for it to kick in

while we bury the steam wand in there,


you always want to anchor your spelt on the steam wand.

So it kind of guides the movement of your steaming.

And you also want it to go in at a certain angle.

Take a look at how the tip of the steam wand is hovering

above the milk.

You wanna make sure that is sort of buried in the milk.

We want to just slowly slide down,

break the surface a little bit.

So the steam wand is able to push some air into your milk,

and that is what's gonna essentially create a microfoam,

that creaminess that you get from a Cappuccino or a latte.

Once it starts turning hot,

you are gonna slowly glide back in,

incorporate the air that you added in earlier

into your milk.

And that's what's gonna create

that silky smooth milk texture.

Alright, when it's slightly hot as such,

you're gonna turn it off. [screeching sound]

Clean your steam wand and release

whatever milk that is hot inside.


Sometimes when you're frothing,

you get some big bubbles in there,

just hover your hand and tap, [knocking sound]

and you're gonna get silky smooth milk,

something that looks like shiny paint.

It sort of lingers on the side of the wall.

You are going to fill.

So this is the Cortado,

two parts of espresso, which is a double shot

and also equal parts of milk to fill up the glass.

At Coffee Project, most of our baristas

will often end a cup of espresso bay string with latte art.

It's still gonna taste good

regardless of whether you can pour an art or not,

but your eyes eats first.

[whooshing sound] [chiming sound]


but at the same time, it's sweet.

And it has a lot of stone fruit

from the roast profile itself.

This is a lot of coffee professionals' favorite drink

[whooshing sound] Piccolo latte

For Cortado, we're using a double shot

of espresso as base, but for Piccolo latte,

we're actually using a Ristretto shot.

Ristretto shot is gonna give you a lot more sweetness

and a little bit high in acidity

just because it's a little bit cut short and concentrated.

So if you'd want something sweeter

and a little bit more high in acidity,

you would go for a Piccolo latte.

[whirring sound]

So I'll be cutting it at about 20 grams.

[knocking sound]

So when you're frothing,

you don't want that screeching high pitch...

This is the sound of the froth.

(刺耳的声音)[Kaleena chuckles]

You have probably 1/3 of the beverage itself is espresso

and you will fill up with froth warm milk.



Piccolo latte is not much found in a lot of coffee shops

in New York city.

If the coffee shop has Australian culture to it,

then you'll probably will be able to find a Piccolo latte.

[whooshing sound] Cappuccino.

Two shot of espresso

as a base followed by a frothier milk on the top,

slightly stronger than a latte,

because it has slightly less milk

and a little more foam in there.

So pulling a double shot of espresso.

This side.

We're gonna start with the same procedure,

and we're going to just prolong this significantly longer

compared to a latte. [hissing sound]

Once it starts getting warmer,

dive that steam wand into the milk,

incorporating [knocking sound]

all the air that we added in earlier.


foamier milk texture compared to a latte.

A lot of times you will see baristas pour half,


It's gonna give you even creamier cup of espresso

and Cappuccino.

And when I drink a Cappuccino, I like to do this.

[whooshing sound] [chiming sound]

When a latte drinker wants more coffee flavor

in their coffee, they will start going down

to ordering Cappuccino.

[whooshing sound] Flat White.

If I like the flavor of Cappuccino,

but I find it a little bit too foamy

and a little bit too milky, what can I go for?

A Flat White.

It's between the amount of milk of a Cortado

and a Cappuccino.

Two shots of espresso, [whirring sound]

to the five ounce cup.

It's a smaller drink compared to a Cappuccino.

Froth milk.

There is a shorter aeration time

so meaning we're adding slightly less air

compared to a Cappuccino [screeching sound]

fairly similar to the way we will froth a latte.

You're trying to create a vortex in your milk.

Clean your steam wand.

Where there's shorter aeration time,

you are letting less air into your milk,

which will create slightly less foam.

We're trying our best not to break the crema.

So you're gonna start pouring at a higher level

and you're incorporating the milk into the drink

as much as you can.

And then at the end you will just slightly mark it

with a tiny little art.

It's a texture that is like softer,

but there's not a lot of foam on the top.

So when you sip it,

you're actually getting a stronger first sip of coffee.

And that's what a lot of people are looking for

when they order a Flat White.

[whooshing sound] Macchiato

Two shots of espresso,

but one ounce of foam into it.

A double shot, [whirring sound]

and then we will froth our milk.

(刺耳的声音)[knocking sound]

What you'll do is just taint the espresso

with a dollar

art milk.

A traditional macchiato.

A Macchiato would definitely be a lot bolder

than all the espresso-based drink with milk

that we've made so far,

it has the strong punch.

And so when you take a sip of it,

you will get all the crema, espresso flavor,

and then the sweetness of the milk will cut through.

[whooshing sound] Latte macchiato.

Macchiato is like tainting something.

With the traditional macchiatto,

we're tainting the espresso with milk.

And now when we mention latte macchiato,

we are tainting the milk with espresso.

[whirring sound]

We are pulling a double shot.


10 ounces of hot milk

and the goal is to create that layer on the beverage,

by waiting for the foam to separate a little bit.

And then you top it up with your espresso shot.

This is the latte macchiato.

When this drink is done right,

you will have a layer of white foam

right above your beverage and then the color at the bottom,

it's gonna look like coffee.

[whooshing sound] Breve.

Breve is another foam of milk

that is made out of half and half.

So in a coffee shop,

you can actually ask for a Breve latte, Breve Cappuccino,

even a Breve Cortado.

[whirring sound]

Give it a little bit of air and it should be enough.

It's a lot heavier

compared to whole milk or skim milk in general.

This is a Breve Cappuccino.

It tends to coat your mouth a little bit more,

and it leaves a longer after taste,

almost like a drinking ice cream.

[whooshing sound] Red Eye.

We get this a lot in the morning,

especially on Mondays because a Red Eye is a full 12 ounce

of drip coffee topped with a double shot of espresso,

Too much caffeine.

[whirring sound]

Double shot.

[knocking sound]

Just like an Americano, for a better experience,

you wanna have your drip coffee first

and then float your espresso right above it.

Feel free to add any sort of milk in there as well.

It is actually very intense in terms of flavor.

Most of the people who ordered this are like people

who work in like financial districts.

Like, have to wake up really early in the morning

or get off work really late, like production.

[whooshing sound] Mocha.

Mocha is actually a latte with chocolate

added into the espresso as base.

One of the most favorite and the most popular thing

to add into espresso to make it to a beverage is chocolate.

You can add any type of chocolate to you like,

so what we have here is actually a chocolate ganache.

You will take the shot of espresso

and pour it into the chocolate to melt the chocolate first.

And then gently stir it.

You will see the consistency of your espresso thicken up.

The smell of chocolate, sweetness.

This is delicious on its own as well.

And now just like a latte,

you will pour your hot milk into the mocha sauce

and also your espresso.


We can take some chocolate

and have it graded on the top of it.

Mocha is definitely one of the favorite drinks in a cafe

[whooshing sound] Espresso Romano.

That's a mixed review for espresso

paired with lemon juice.

I like the sweetness out of it.

我和肌萎缩性侧索硬化症o like how it's being served with the lemon juice.

Will I drink this every day? Maybe not.

So, first of all, you're gonna prepare

a double shot of espresso.

You wanna put it into the clear glass

and then you have the one ounce of lemon juice

that is freshly squeezed directly into it

and finally you need lemon zest.

Lemon zest is actually a very commonly found tasting profile

for a coffee that is from Ethiopia.

Super fresh, I can smell the sweetness.

[Sum slurps]

[whooshing sound] Dirty Chai.

Chai tea is a tea that is brewed together

with a lot of spices and black tea.

But today we're tainting the Chai latte

with the double espresso.

We are going to pull a double shot.

We'll put this Chai concentrate

into the milk to froth together.

Flavor is being basically distributed

throughout the whole drink a lot better.

It smells really good when you're a frothing it

and to complete it, you just combined both of them together.

There you go.

You get a little kick from the espresso,

not as much, because the Chai itself with the spice

is kind of, I wouldn't say, overpowering,

but they are almost the same level as espresso.

It's gonna be a little bit more balanced,

like a hardy tea,

but with a kick from the caffeine.

[whooshing sound] Syrup latte.

Coffee Project does homemade syrup and also bottled syrup.

This jell-o grace syrup a homemade.

One part water, one part sugar,

that is basically a simple syrup.

Steep the teabags in together with the water.

Let it sit for a prolonged period of time,

do it for like three, four hours.

And then just add the sugar in, melt everything.

And there you go.

All you gotta do is just place a syrup

at the bottom of your cup to about one ounce of the syrup.

And complete the whole drink

just like you would do a latte.

A double shot of espresso into the cup,

or right into the syrup,

froth the milk, and then complete the drink.

And here we have the Earl Grey Syrup latte.

So the bergamot from the Earl Grey just sips through,

mix really nicely with the espresso,

which is a little bit more stone food chocolate for it.

Sweet enough, but not too sweet.

And the texture is just right.

[whooshing sound]

So coffee has always been an ingredient

that's used in cocktails.

It's like it's helping to elevate the flavor of the coffee

and at the same time, let you enjoy the boozes.

[whooshing sound] Espresso Martini.

An Espresso Martini is essentially a mixture

of Waka, coffee liquor,

and also espresso with your choice of syrup

and shaken over ice served on a Martini glass.

It's not too straight forward alcoholic

and you still get to enjoy all the coffee flavor.

We always want to put in

all the ingredients that is not alcohol first.

Here is a cinnamon syrup,

0.5 ounce of it and do your shaker.

Now we're gonna add equal amount of espresso.

So almost one full shot and coffee liquor.

Generally, it's already sweet.

Brings a little bit more of a coffee flavor out

0.5 ounce of it.

And finally, the vodka,


full shot one ounce.

When we pull our espresso,

we would like to have it cooled down a little bit,

make sure you're only putting in ice cubes

and, right away, you shake. [jingling sound]

give it a really, really vigorous little shake.

Restrain it, it's gonna be helpful.

All you want is this creamy, creamy, creamy,

Espresso Martini that comes all the way out.

So it looks like crema.

Only, like, it's a little touch of chocolate.

Staying with the classic,

let's float three espresso beans on top of it.

And here you go.

This is the best I've made since yesterday,

[whooshing sound] Corretto

Corretto is a really easy desert coffee liquor to make.

Find your favorite brandy

and then serve it over a double espresso.

After I pull the espresso,

I'm gonna pour it into my cup.

So for brandy today, we chose this Grappa.

It has a really nice almond flavor to it.

And I think it's gonna pair really well

with the double espresso that we have in here.

You can just drop it however much you want in there

and sip your espresso.

I think this is more often after dinner drink,

but I think it's just really nice to make it at home.

As long as you have a double espresso and a brandy

of your choice,

you can pretty much serve correcto anywhere.

[whooshing sound] Beerpreso.

We make up this name.

Beer is my second favorite drink after coffee.

For this drink,

I realized that Lager works a little bit better,

but with our espresso that we're using today,

I have to pick a Shandy because it has a little bit more

刷新后刹e to it, little lemony.

So it's a great summer drink.

I pick a high ball class because I like to see how it falls.

And you want to wait a little bit

before you pour your espresso into your Shandy

or your beer of choice.

If not, it's just gonna explode.

Drop the espresso into it

however much you like, if you have a long spoon,

just pop it in, mix it a little bit.

It kind of reminds me of the hot Espresso Romano

that we made earlier with the lemon twist onto it.

But this is like a little bit more elevated, lighter,

and it's easier to drink because it's more refreshing.

[whooshing sound] Paloma.

We give the original Paloma

a little bit elevator experience.

We're always going to start with the non-alcohol line juice,

lemon syrup, which is also 3/4,

one ounce of grapefruit juice.

Followed by one ounce of espresso.

It's always better to let the espresso sits

for a little bit to cool down so it doesn't melt your ice

and last but not least two ounces of tequila.

Before we put the ice into the shaker,

we want to be able to create the base of the Paloma,

tonic water.

We love to use a tonic water as a base

for most of the drinks that we make.

Now, it's the ice,

pop it,

and we're gonna shake it. [jingling sound]

The ratio, it's almost like 3/4 of tonic.

And then the remaining is gonna be the Paloma shake,

garnish it with a lemon zest.

And that's our take on a Paloma with espresso.

On its own, It's really like super refreshing.

So with the espresso on it,

it kind of just mellowed down the acidity in the drink.

At the same time,

it gives you a little bit more off the nuttiness.

[whooshing sound]

Espresso is a really good base to use in dessert drinks.

It's able to withstand anything that you add into it,

and you'll be able to still taste a coffee.

[whooshing sound] Frappe.

It's a Greek drink that people drink a lot during summer.

You need ice.

For the base of the Frappe.

You'll be using milk or a nondairy milk, your choice.

And of course our most important ingredient, espresso.

Blend away.


I Like where it is sort of liquidy,

but you can still get tiny little pieces of ice in there.

And you just pour everything out.

It's a fairly easy drink to make at home,

and you can be a little fancy and top with Liqueur


garnish it with

cocoa powder.

So this is a Flappe.

When your friend comes over to your home during summer,

very easy, very fancy drink to make.

[whooshing sound] Affocato

You see Affocato and a lot of dessert menus

in Italian restaurants, very straightforward,

ice cream topped with espresso.

I always choose a vanilla ice cream with Affocato

simply because it enhances the flavor profile

of the espresso to most.

Kind of like a plain canvas

it'll take on any other flavor, very easy,

you just pour espresso directly over the ice cream.

It makes for a visually stunning dessert.

It's strong,you still get that, you know,

coffee espresso flavor in it,

but at the same time you get the sweetness and creaminess

of the ice cream.

Dig in



It's really good.

You see the layering off the espresso and the ice cream.

And as it melts, you know, the color sort of changes,

it's really beautiful

and it's really, really easy to make at home.

[whooshing sound]

So around the world, people pull different espresso shots

using different machines and gadgets.

And today we'll be showcasing just a couple of those.

[whooshing sound] Vienna coffee.

So, for Vienna coffee,

we're also going to be using double espresso shot.

We add a little bit of a chocolate powder at the bottom

of our cup to add the additional layer of flavor

into the Vienna coffee.

Pull a double espresso, pour it right into the chocolate,

and then you'll mix it

to create that really thick texture.

And while she is melting the chocolate,

we will be frothing some milk.

[knocking sound]

So to complete the drink, you just basically top it up.

And you can use cream, you can use milk.

The goal is to create that really heavy texture and frothy,

and you see them separate and create a layer of foam

on top of it, and top it up with this footprint.

Since we're using chocolate at the bottom of the cup,

I think it's also a really nice touch to add a little bit

of chocolate on top of it.

It's relatively similar to the Mocha beverage

that we made earlier.

In Mocha, we're still having more espresso for it,

this is entirely trying to make it

as chocolate as possible, really creamy,

and still get a little bit of that espresso flavor to it.

[whooshing sound] Caffe Freddo.

The Freddo is mainly a drink in Greece

and Southern Europe.

You need to pull a double espresso,

you need ice, and you need some sugar

and you can sweeten your espresso as you like.

Here, I have

close to one tablespoon.

You don't stir it.

You will put it into your shaker with a lot of ice cube,

shake it like a cocktail. [jingling sound]

After shaking, you will have this nice chilled espresso.

You still get a little bit of that heavy body,

long lasting after taste.

I've seen some people actually put them

into a glass of cold milk.

[whooshing sound] Turkish coffee.

The main device that is used is an ibrik or a cezve.

We start with finy grind,

seven grams of coffee

into the ibrik.

Unlike brewing like regular espresso, there's no pressure,

we're using 70 grams of room temperature water.

I'm going to turn this on to high.

And as soon as I move this ibrik to the fire,

I'm gonna start my timer.

And in about two minutes or so, this will be ready.

You will see that it is slowly simmering.

And once you get a little bit of foam on the site,

turn your fire lower.

And all this could happen within like a minute

to minute and a half, it's happening now,

and I am at 30 seconds.

So now I'm gonna like lower down my fire

while maintaining my distance.

You will see there's a layer of crema

that is built up on top of it.

And we're really don't wanna lose it.

The biggest challenge of brewing ibrik this way

is actually or extraction of the coffee,

which makes your coffee really bitter.

And we're going to pour it directly into the cup.

See that really, really nice layer of crema above it.

That's the goal.

There's no fitration method,

which is why you grind your espresso really, really fine,

hoping that after you pour it

and you waited for it to settle down,

all the grinds is gonna be at the bottom of the cup.

So when you drink it, it will just maintain

at the bottom of the cup.


bold, strong, thick crema right above it,

really, really heavy body.

So compared to a regular cup of espresso,

I think they are relatively similar.

There's always an espresso-based beverage for everyone.

Just remember that espresso is a type of brewing method.

You can just go ahead

and look for a coffee bean that fits your favorite profile

and make a cup of espresso for yourself.