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We spend an afternoon in the kitchen of Hannah Kirshner, a Brooklyn-based recipe developer and cooking instructor. Watch as Hannah makes okonomiyaki, crispy Japanese cabbage pancakes.

Released on 08/04/2016


(metal clinks)

(gentle music)

So that's Hillary Chicken, the red one.

And the black one is Black Betty.

And then she's Cookie Dough, with the speckles, naturally.

Cookie Dough has a trick, I don't know if I can get her

to do it.



(chickens cackle)

(Black Betty sneezes)

That's chicken sneeze.

They can lay an egg a day when they're in their prime.

The yolk is so much bigger and darker orange

than eggs you buy from the store.

(gentle music)

The first time I went to Japan was right after college.

You go and sit around a table with a griddle

in a restaurant, and they bring you bowls of stuff

to kinda mix up and throw on the grill,

so it's interactive cooking.

I grew up in Seattle, and there's a lot of influence

from Asian cultures.

Food is helping me learn the language.

I mean, it's always easier to learn vocabulary for things

that interest you.

I learned the word for bitter and astringent

before I learned how to, like, say where I was from.

I think one of the fastest ways to make friends

when you travel is to be able to tell someone

that their food is delicious.

(gentle music)

I'm kinda in between a home cook and a professional.

When I write recipes or I teach people to cook things,

I want it to be accessible and I want them to be able to

recreate it.

(gentle music)

One of my favorite things about okonomiyaki is

it tastes like junk food, but it's actually just

a big pile of cabbage, you're eating vegetables.

You can make okonomiyaki in a pan.

For most people that's gonna be the way to make it.

You kinda need two frying pans so you can flip it

back and forth.

This is just regular cake flour.

A pinch of sugar.

This is yamaimo, mountain yam.

It gives it a kind of, like, a nice fluffy texture.

This is homemade dashi.

Dashi is essential to Japanese cooking,

the way butter is essential to French cooking.

Once you have that, you kinda have the base

of almost any Japanese dish.

I feel a little apprehensive about representing

somebody else's food.

I might know a lot more than the average American,

but it's not mine.

But I love it and I love learning about it, and it's fun

to share that.

The batter should be pretty thin, like a crepe batter.

Just gonna make a pancake.

Lots of cabbage.

This is the Hiroshima style, where it's layered.

Okonomi means how you like it,

and yaki just basically means, like, grilled or fried

or baked.

So it basically means whatever you like grilled.

There are traditions to it, but there's not exactly

a right way.

Here's some yakisoba.

This is Japanese Worcestershire sauce,

which, in Japanese, is basically just called sauce.

But there's different thicknesses for different things.

So this is yakisoba sauce and this is okonomi sauce.

(grill sizzles)

This is one of the intense moments.

There's a lot of flipping back and forth

in making the Hiroshima style of okonomiyaki.

I'm gonna put some sesame oil for the flavor now.

And a couple of eggs.

(grill sizzles)

Now the sauce.

Everybody's got their own style for how to sauce it.

Some Kewpie mayo, Japanese mayonnaise,

which is a little sweeter and eggier.

I love the little crispy bits that come off the grill.

A little katsuobushi,

the bonito flake.

This is aonori, just like nori flakes, seaweed flakes.


And then of course we have to cut it up to share.

When you go out for okonomiyaki or you make it,

it's with a group of friends.

There's a nice rhythm to, like, cooking one,

sharing it, cooking another.

It's really good.

I never get tired of eating this.

Just keep the okonomiyaki under the ears flowing.

(gentle music)