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Barbara Poses Kafka

Sauce Béarnaise

This sauce is really just another variant of Hollandaise, but it is sufficiently famous to be dignified with a separate heading. The sauce calls classically, for a variety of fresh herbs which may be difficult to obtain. Adequate substitutes and dried herbs solve the problem. The only real problem is tarragon. Do not use dried tarragon. If you cannot obtain fresh tarragon, use tarragon packed in vinegar.

Basic Hollandaise Sauce

The preparation of most hot butter sauces has as its object the relatively permanent and smooth blending together of ingredients. The grand-daddy of these sauces is Hollandaise. Here is the classic.

Short-Cut Sauce Espagnole

Some of the best sauces for grilled, broiled or sautéed steak are based on Sauce Espagnole, which can be made in quantity and keeps well. You can produce a satisfactory Sauce Espagnole by short-cutting the classic, lengthy method. However, if you have the time, the classic method (epi:recipeLink="101872"Classic Sauce Espagnole)yields a finer and more flavorful result.