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Copeland Marks

Espesado de Lunes

Beef StewEditor's Note:This recipe and introductory text are excerpted fromThe Exotic Kitchens of Peru,by Copeland Marks. We've also added some tips of our own below. For a complete guide to Peruvian cuisine,click here.This is a special dish that is only prepared on Mondays. My teacher told me that everyone she knew cookedEspesadoon Mondays, a ritual that is universally accepted. In the clean and complete Central Market of Chiclayo, a number of the small eating shops were dispensing this to diners who knew what they wanted and expected it on Mondays.

Ceviche de Pescado

Fish Salad Cooked in Lime JuiceEditor's Note:This recipe and introductory text are excerpted fromThe Exotic Kitchens of Peru,by Copeland Marks. We've also added some tips of our own below. For a complete guide to Peruvian cuisine,click here.The English title of this recipe is not an altogether accurate description ofcevichesince it is the lime (or lemon juice) that "cooks" the fish. Peruvians are justifiably proud of their internationally famous method of serving fish tidbits. A mixed assortment can include squid, octopus, scallops, clams,langostas,as well aspata de mula,a shellfish similar to scallops. Then there are the black scallops of Peru, a rarity. All can be used in a classicceviche,insuring a variety of textures and flavors.