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Rose Hammick

Mini Fruit Fondue

**Editor's note:**This recipe is reprinted from Rose Hammick's and Charlotte Packer's book Great Parties for Kids. For Hammick's and Packer's tips on throwing a kids' summer party,click here.Make the fruit kabobs a day in advance and keep them in the fridge. The sauces can also be made ahead of time and kept in the fridge for 2 days.

Homemade Popsicles

**Editor's note:**This recipe is reprinted from Rose Hammick's and Charlotte Packer's book Great Parties for Kids. For Hammick's and Packer's tips on throwing a kids' summer party,click here.Kids love Popsicles, and when made from fruit and yogurt, they are healthy as well as delicious. Popsicle molds are available from kitchen or department stores. If you're short of time, you can also make popsicles from ready-made smoothies.

Hot Dog Howlers

**Editor's note:**This recipe is reprinted from Rose Hammick's and Charlotte Packer's book Great Parties for Kids. For Hammick's and Packer's tips on throwing a kids' summer party,click here.Children love hot dogs. The sauce freezes well and can be made in advance.

Crudites and Dips

**Editor's note:**This recipe is reprinted from Rose Hammick's and Charlotte Packer's book Great Parties for Kids. For Hammick's and Packer's tips on throwing a kids' summer party,click here.Hummus and guacamole served with breadsticks and veggie sticks make great finger foods for toddlers. Older children love these too, but make sure you offer a selection of breadsticks, chips, and pita bread for those few kids who turn up their noses at the sight of raw vegetables, however sweet and juicy they are.

Surprise Burgers

Editor's note:This recipe is reprinted from Rose Hammick and Charlotte Packer's book Great Parties for Kids. For their tips on throwing a kids' summer party,click here.Kids will enjoy helping to make these burgers — let them squelch the mixture into patties and hide a piece of cheese in the center. The burgers can be made and frozen well ahead of time — just remember to defrost them well before cooking.