


在汉弗莱·斯洛科姆,我们每天都接待大批忠诚而受人爱戴的常客。有些人比其他人更混杂,尝试我们所有的口味,每次都混合在一起。另一些人则是对特定口味的一夫一妻制追随者,比如一个每天都来买一加仑香草冰淇淋的家伙(说真的),或者一个虔诚的女人,她像时钟一样打电话来看看我们是否有罗斯玛丽的孩子。一位特别的年轻女士是盐甘草的忠实粉丝,每次我们有库存时,她都会及时赶到。几次拜访之后,有一天她带着一份礼物来了:一袋她从瑞典带回来的黑色咸甘草。当肖恩没有记下她是谁或她是什么的时候,她感到很受侮辱,把糖果扔向他,然后气冲冲地走了。她一走,肖恩就想起了她,感觉很糟糕。愤怒的甘草女孩,请回来。肖恩很抱歉。几乎每个人的童年都与甘草有关。 Salted Licorice reminds some guests of their travels to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, where black licorice is ubiquitous. For other guests, Salted Licorice conjures up memories of chewy Red Vines in movie theaters. And it should, because we actually use Red Vines—the black ones, that is. Every once in a while, Sean stretches the truth by saying we use real licorice root. Technically, that's not incorrect…we just use real licorice root after it's been made into Red Vines. We're not afraid to be a little trashy. But not as trashy as Twizzlers. Those are gross.


★★★★★★★★★★★我们夏天用桃子做白味噌冰淇淋,秋天用苹果做,冬天用梨做。爱丽丝·沃特斯会为我们感到骄傲的…如果她知道我们是谁。用味噌调味是我们对冰淇淋中美味元素的热爱的自然和合乎逻辑的延伸。味噌是一种厚重的传统日本酱油,在烹饪中经常被用作调味品或调味料,作为甜点的配料,它越来越受欢迎。由于味噌太咸了,这是书中为数不多的不需要加盐或醋的食谱之一。manbetx苹果下载为了找到合适的口味,杰克去了一家日本超市,几乎买了店里所有的味噌:红味噌、混合味噌、米味噌、紫味噌、纯大豆味噌、角味噌等等。他最终选定了白色风格。白味噌比其他味噌精致得多。 It's mellow. He still doesn't know what the label says, but boy, it sure gets the job done. White Miso is another "Wow" flavor, with distinct umami undertones that pair well with the seasonal tree fruits. It also goes secretly well with a scoop of Guinness Gingerbread, or simply a little splash of olive oil on top. Inspiration: Jake used to serve miso apple butter with crepes and olive oil ice cream.


“它真的很好吃!”这句话在店里一遍又一遍地听到。事实上,这些年来,我们经常听到这句话,我们甚至发现自己不情愿地说出这句话。我们有点讨厌它,因为它意味着你已经讨论过“它”-无论是冰淇淋口味还是聚会或其他什么-都不会很好。最能让顾客说出“它真的很好吃!”的口味是糖果帽,一种用美味的小蘑菇做成的口味。首先介绍一下背景:牛肝菌冰淇淋是杰克愿意承认的唯一一种口味失败的冰淇淋。味道还行,就是太土了,可悲的是,土冰淇淋没有市场。至少现在还没有。但就在我们准备放弃蘑菇冰淇淋的时候,我们偶然发现了一种叫做糖果帽蘑菇的奇妙物种。当地一家名为“远西菌类”(Far West Fungi)的蘑菇供应商找到我们,想做一款蘑菇口味的产品。 At first we were pretty skeptical, and at second, we were still skeptical. But when they finally coaxed us to visit their shop at the Ferry Building, they opened a jar of dried candy caps. They smelled like the best maple syrup ever. We were sold. We soon learned that nothing else on earth tastes like candy cap mushrooms. They carry the earthy taste associated with mushrooms, but unlike in the failed porcini experiment, candy caps deliver their own dimension of sweetness to the ice cream. Guests have said it tastes like waffles, pancakes, cinnamon buns, celery root, etc. Way more than just a novelty flavor, it's become one of our most popular flavors—it even got us on the television screen once or twice.