


这可能是书中最受欢迎的饼干食谱了,这种饼干使它成为西雅图城市杂志年复一年的美食爱好者指南。曾经,当导演、编剧(当哈利遇见莎莉),小说家诺拉·艾芙隆在城里,她在大丽花面包店停下来,买了一些这种饼干。后来她给我发邮件,说这是她一直以来的最爱,还问我要食谱。很自然地,我把它和一大袋饼干一起寄给了诺拉。当我问诺拉是否可以在我的食谱中以她的名字命名这款饼干时,她说:“你在开玩笑吗?这可能是有史以来最好吃的饼干了。”做三明治饼干比做小甜饼更费力气,因为你既要做饼干又要做夹心。此外,这个食谱还涉及到冷却步骤,需要将饼干煎两次。但结果是值得的,最好的花生酱饼干质地和奶油花生馅。在烤盘上放好饼干面糊后,把另一个烤盘放在双层烤盘下面,这样饼干烤得更慢、更均匀。因为每个烤盘只能烤八块饼干,而且必须要煎两遍,所以你必须分批烘烤。 Be sure to let the baking sheets cool thoroughly before reusing them. We use two different peanut butters in this recipe. Skippy creamy peanut butter makes the filling smooth and creamy. Adams crunchy peanut butter, which like other natural peanut butters must be well mixed before using to incorporate the oil, has just the right almost-runny consistency and crunchy bits of peanuts to give the cookies the perfect texture. To re-create our peanut butter sandwich cookies, we suggest you use the same or similar brands. We prefer moist brown sugar from a resealable plastic bag rather than from a box. This recipe requires a 2-hour or longer chill of the shaped cookie dough, so plan accordingly. The amount of salt in the filling is a perfect balance to the creamy peanut butter, but if you are substituting table salt for the kosher salt called for in the recipe, be sure to cut the amount in half. This recipe was inspired by the Bouchon Bakery.



