Should You Grow a Citrus Tree Indoors?

Yes, you can do it. Yes, it’s one of the most rewarding houseplants out there. But it requires a little bit of work.
Photo of many different types of citrus fruit on a marble surface.
Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Lillian Chou

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Let me put this out there right away: Citrus trees are not the most forgivinghouseplants. Growing citrus indoors is a hobby that requires a certain amount of care, and some may not find it fulfilling or worthwhile. If you struggle with keeping a low-maintenance succulent alive as is, a citrus tree might frustrate you more. But growing a citrus tree inside is not impossible, and people, likemy colleague Joey Hernandez atBon Appétit, actually love doing it. And the rewards for proper care—fragrant blooms, tart fruits, handy leaves, and the simple beauty they add to any space—are reason enough to try. Here’s a guide to getting started:

Can I grow citrus at all? Examine your space

Before buying a citrus tree, examine your space to see whether you have a spot that will allow it to flourish. Citrus needs a considerable amount of light, especially during the winter, so a room with generous southern exposure is ideal. If the tree can’t get at least six hours of sunshine a day year-round, you should consider investing in a grow light. Citrus trees also do not like to be near drafty windows and radiators because they’re sensitive to temperature fluctuations. If you really want your tree to fruit, you should move it to a sunny outdoor location for the April–September growing season, or, if you are in a colder climate, when daily lows remain above 50°F.

What sorts of citrus can I grow indoors?

Mostexperts recommendgrowing dwarf varieties of citrus trees, particularly those which produce sour fruit. Trees baring sweet fruit require more heat to ripen, making them more challenging for growing indoors in temperate climates. Some popular varieties of indoor-friendly citrus include Calamansi or Calamondin, Persian lime, Makrut lime, Clementine, and Meyer lemon.

Calamansi Seedlings
Makrut Lime Seedling, Small

Stay on top of watering

Consistent watering is important for a happy citrus tree. Establish a schedule of deep waterings, leaving time in between for the soil to dry a bit. The frequency will depend on the size and maturity of your plant, its location, the potting soil, and so on—there’s no straightforward rule of thumb. Mainly, you don’t want the soil to dry out completely, nor do you want to keep it saturated with water. Using a moisture meter can make this job a bit easier. When the meter reaches the threshold between dry and moist, your plant is ready for another watering.

Moisture Meter

Take it outside

Bringing your tree outside during the warmer half of the year will help it thrive. Citrus trees need natural day/night temperature fluctuations in order to bloom, so leaving your tree indoors year-round likely won’t cut it. As mentioned earlier, experts suggest waiting to move trees outdoors until overnight lows rise above 50°F. Start the tree in a shadier spot for a few days before moving it into full sun to reduce the risk of leaf burn and shock. Toward the end of the season, move the tree back inside before it gets too cold. Keep in mind that you might have to adjust how often you water your tree once you move it outdoors (and when you move it back inside). Keeping the plant outdoors will also allow insects to pollinate the flowers, which is necessary for fruit production, otherwise you may need to pollinate the flowers yourself.

Humidity helps

Citrus trees are tropical plants that prefer humid conditions. If you find yourself complaining about dry air during the winter, your citrus tree will too, and since a dry tree is a stressed tree, you should care for it like you would your own chapped lips. Regular misting or a low-temp humidifier will keep it nice and dewy. Likewise, during the summer you can place the potted plant on a shallow tray full of pebbles and water, periodically refilling it as it evaporates. This will create a humid microclimate surrounding the plant in otherwise arid conditions.

Cool Mist Humidifier
Brass Mister

Drainage, drainage, drainage

Citrus trees do not like wet feet, so proper drainage is essential to stave off root rot and keep your plant thriving. Use soil specifically labeled for citrus or succulents. Choose a pot with drainage holes at the bottom. Putting a pot with holes inside a larger, prettier pot without holes doesn’t count, because you need to ensure that water does not stagnate around the bottom of the pot. A coaster for a planter should be fine as long as it doesn’t impede the flow of water.

Cactus and Citrus Soil Mix

Fertilize for fruit

如果你只是一个随意的室内植物种植,有s a good chance that you’ve never fertilized plants before. That will have to change if you want fruit. Feed your tree throughout the April–September growing season. Citrus trees love acidic soil and prefer fertilizers with high nitrogen levels. Look for a fertilizer specifically formulated for citrus as it will likely include supplemental zinc, iron, and manganese—nutrients the plant also needs. Feeding frequency will depend on both the fertilizer and cultivar, so read the label provided with the plant, or contact the plant provider for recommended care.

Citrus Fertilizer

Watch for pests

Pests will mostly be a problem during the time your plant spends indoors. The key to keeping pests away is to minimize the amount of stress on your plant. This means keeping the above conditions as ideal as possible. Still, it’s good to be vigilant. Every so often examine the leaves for white scale insects or spider mites, taking care to check the undersides of leaves. Try not to let dust accumulate on your plant. Occasionally wipe the leaves clean with a microfiber cloth.

If you’ve made it this far through the story without giving up hope, then you are either a seasoned green thumb, or a very optimistic first-timer. While it may seem like a lot, it hasn’t kept countless people around the world from caring and growing their own citrus indoors for centuries. Yes, growing citrus is a bit more of a hands-on hobby than other plant care might be, but if you do things just right, the rewards will be...sour, but oh, so good.