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Traci Des Jardins

Apple Galettes with Caramel Sauce

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière. It's part of a special menu she created for Epicurious's Wine.Dine.Donate program.

Fuyu Persimmon Relish

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière. It's part of a special menu she created for Epicurious's Wine.Dine.Donate program. There are two types of persimmons widely available during the Thanksgiving holiday—fuyu and hachiya. Chef Des Jardins prefers the fuyu in savory preparations because its texture is much firmer and the flavor less sweet. When picking fuyu persimmons, look for firm, brightly colored fruit. Start making relish at least 24 hours and up to 3 days in advance to allow the flavors to fully develop.

Sweet Potatoes, Apples, and Braising Greens

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière. It's part of a special menu she created for Epicurious's Wine.Dine.Donate program.

Chestnut and Wild Mushroom Stuffing

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière. It's part of a special menu she created for Epicurious's Wine.Dine.Donate program.

Parsnip Purée

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière. It's part of a special menu she created for Epicurious's Wine.Dine.Donate program.

Brined and Barbecued Turkey

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière.

Chestnut and Sherry Soup with Truffle Garnish

This recipe was created by chef Traci Des Jardins of San Francisco's Jardinière. It's part of a special menu she created for Epicurious's Wine.Dine.Donate program.