How to Cook Pork Tenderloin Without a Recipe

We have a feeling you'll be cooking this a lot.
Image may contain Food and Pork
Photo by Chelsea Kyle

I loveporktenderloin, and I want you to love it, too—especially for last-minute weeknight meals. You should learn how to cook pork tenderloin because it's easy to cook, juicy, flavorful, and healthfully lean. One tenderloin typically weighs somewhere around a pound, making it perfect for two (plus a little leftover for sandwiches the next day). So are you loving it yet?

One of the best reasons to learn how to cookpork tenderloinis that it easily lends itself to a variety of flavors. Rub it with whatever blend of spices you like before cooking, and then serve it alongside whatever sides you like. You can serve it ungarnished or drizzled with a pan sauce, salsa, gremolata, or dressing. And all you need to learn how to cook pork tenderloin is this simple four-step method:

1. Season

Heat your oven to 400°F and pat thepork tenderloindry, then rub it with a mixture of salt, pepper and your spices of choice. (My current go-to is to rub it with a blend of equal parts salt, pepper, brown sugar, and cumin and serve it alongside some roasted root veggies; the brown sugar helps the pork get a nice caramelized sear and gives the spice rub a deeper flavor).

2. Sear

Heat a large, heavy oven-proof skillet (preferablycast iron) over medium-high heat, swirl in a bit of oil, then sear the tenderloin, turning every 2 minutes or so until it's nicely browned on all sides, for a total of about 7 minutes.

3. Roast

Throw that skillet in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes more, flipping the tenderloin over halfway through cooking, until the meat reaches 140°F (or, if you don't have a meat thermometer, until it feels firm and springs back when pressed with your finger and the juices run clear when poked with a knife). While it roasts, toss together your salad or finish roasting your veggies.

4. Slice

Remove your perfectly-roasted tenderloin to a cutting board and let it sit for at least five minutes before slicing it across the grain into ready-to-eat medallions. Plate it up with your sides andvoila!—tenderloin for dinner.