The Miraculous Bowl of Soup That Can Cure (Almost) Anything

科学已经开始发现奶奶the world have known all along: A steamy broth is the best, and most delicious, medicine.

There's nothing more comforting than a bowl ofpho.This typical Vietnamese breakfast is a perfect meal whether you need a jump-start for your immune system or a soothing pick-me-up on a dreary day. Vietnamese food is known to be one of the healthiest in the world because of the importance placed on a balance of yin and yang to create food that is beneficial to the body. With its rich and aromatic broth, hearty beef and vegetables, and fresh and fragrant toppings, thisDetox Phois a great example of a harmonious dish that is as healthy as it is delicious.

Start with a really good broth

As you may have heard,bone broth is the new coffee. Bone broth offers health benefits for your entire body, including improving your digestive and immune systems, bones, joints, hair, teeth, and nails.

Broth is the most important element in pho and can make or break this dish. The soup can be made with either beef broth(pho bo)or chicken broth(pho ga). We prefer a rich, earthy homemadeBeef Bone Brothfor our pho. No time to make your broth? That's ok. Ours employs garlic, ginger, spices, and fish sauce to enliven even the blandest store-bought broth.

Add any health-boosting ingredients you like

OurDetox Phoincorporates thinly sliced beef for an extra protein punch, antioxidant-rich mushrooms, and everyone's favorite super green: kale. Don't care for mushrooms? Try broccoli or carrots. Swap out kale for collards or swiss chard. Skip the noodles and add mung bean sprouts if you're going grain-free. And feel free to toss in some tofu, bok choy, or cabbage if that sounds good to you.

Use toppings to add complex flavors and textures

What makes pho so unique is its combination of warm, savory broth and cool, bright toppings. You can add crunch with bean sprouts or julienned carrots. Basil, mint, and cilantro bring a freshness to the dish. We love adding some heat and bite with sliced chile and red or green onion. And a squeeze of lime to finish makes everything better.