Yes, You Can (Make This Easy Springtime Pasta at Home)

Come spring, you can ditch the pasta machine and ignore the long-simmered sauces. This fresh-tasting pasta from Chef Anita Lo will make you rethink handmade pasta.
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Photo by Melanie Dunea

Noodles can be scary. OK, not the kind you buy in a box and douse withbolognese. But the fresh kind? The kind made from dough you knead, run through a pasta machine, and shape by hand? That kind's best left to chefs, right?

After all, chefs like Anita Lo know how to handle their noodles. If there’s a signature dish at her New York restaurant,Anissa, it’s a handmade, paper-thin soup dumpling wrapper filled with molten foie gras. But on a visit to the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy last fall, she got back to pasta basics. As she watched local chefs mix and knead supple pasta dough—then form simple shapes without the need for a bulky pasta machine, she reconnected to fresh pasta's handmade roots.

“It’s always freeing to remember how simple good cooking can be,” said Lo as she stood behind a marble table in her New York City apartment working the pliant dough, enriched with eggs and a drop of olive oil. Instead of paper-thin sheets of pasta and fancy fillings, she learned to make unfussy, hand-shaped orecchiette that you don't even need a rolling pin to make. She even swapped out fancy, long-simmering bolognese for an equally seductive, but way faster sauce that packs just as much meaty depth. Here's how to make the uber-easy pasta that Lo fell in love with:

Anita Lo, with the start of orecchiette.

Photo by Melanie Dunea

With just a few simple ingredients, a clear workspace, and 10 minutes of kneading, you can create a versatile pasta dough with tenderness and bite. Lo's recipe errs on the side of a less sticky dough, making it even easier to handle and less likely to stick to your work surface. Pro tip: the longer you let the pasta rest in the fridge, the more cooperative it will be for shaping, since the R&R allows the gluten in the dough to relax.

Two fingers are all you need to transform sliced dough intoorecchiette.

Photo by Melanie Dunea

A pile of freshly shapedorecchiette.

Photo by Melanie Dunea

Sure, a pasta machine yields super-thin dough, but there’s something elemental (and surprisingly easy) about shaping it by hand, and the finished product has a delicious chewy bite that stands up to heartier sauceslike this one. Here, Lo rolls the dough into a long log, slices it into thimble-sized pieces, and then pokes them with her fingers to form seriously cute, double-cratered orecchiette, or "little ears," that are chewier and more tender than the kind you find in American stores. Bonus: Those double indentations are perfect for cradling a simple, flavorful sauce. It'll take time to slice and poke all that pasta, but there's zero stress involved.

The finished pasta.

Photo by Melanie Dunea

Those double indentations in Lo's orecchiette are perfect for cradling a simple, flavorful sauce, so Lo skipped the long-simmered bolognese in favor of another signature Emilia-Romagna ingredient,Mortadella. “Mortadella is so easy to find, and yet it adds so much depth and plays really well with the pasta,” said Lo. “You end up with a super flavorful sauce without a long-cooking procedure.” Plenty of springy peas, fresh mint, and lemon zest are just one more reminder that fast and fresh can be just as delicious as slow and rich.