7 Tips for Taking Better Food Instagrams in the Summer

Summer is a brand new 'gram game. Here, Epi's photo editor shows you how to win it.
Image may contain Plant Human Person Vegetable Food and Produce
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Rhoda Boone

People who know me personally know that my wardrobe lacks pretty much any color. Even on hot summer days, you'll find me bundled in a black coat and leather boots.

But make no mistake: I'm not anti-summer. And I'm definitely not anti-color. In fact, as a food photographer, my job is way better in the summer: pretty foods are everywhere, colors are running rampant, and the sun shines long enough for me to ‘gram my dinner using the sunset—not the combined light of my friend’s cellphone flashlights.

To really take advantage of these vibrant ingredients and perfect light, Epi is encouraging everybody to #cookitwithcolor—that is, shoot as many summery food 'grams as you can, and show them to us using the #cookitwithcolor tag. We'll regram the best onour own Instagram account.

Speaking of the best, here are seven ways to make sure your photos are among them:


Is the food you're shooting associated with a time of day? If so,shoot it at that time. A stack of pancakes with fresh strawberries will probably be beautiful any time of day, but when shot in the warm, directional light of morning, it's a picture with a better story.

The scones up top were shot at breakfast time; the scones below could have been shot at any time of day (and it shows).

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Rhoda Boone

When it comes to summer foods, it’s important to utilize how colors work together. Pairing colors strategically can help create a more attractive photograph, and nothing makes food pop like a little bit of contrast. To achieve this, choose two foods that have complementary colors—that is, colors opposite from each other onthe color wheel. Think vibrant purple eggplant against a bed of yellow squash.

It's all about that contrast, honey.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

Alternatively, when working with similar colors, it’s helpful to use multiple shades to create depth and keep things from blending together. Add a few sprigs of dark cilantro to the top of your light green guacamole, or sprinkle some light green beans across a bed of dressed arugula. Or do what my colleague Kat Sacks did with this pavlova—pack in as many different shades of one color as you can.

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Arranging your food in a creative pattern and separating colors, as in the salad photo below, creates symmetry and balance, allowing each item an equal share of the frame.

Photo by John Kernick

You can mix everything together, too, of course—just make sure to scatter the brighter colors proportionately, spreading out the items that attract more attention.

Scattering the green onions makes sure your eyes don't linger in any one area.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Anna Stockwell

A drizzle of oil is a great tool for breaking up large, monotone areas, such as a ball of mozzarella or a beefsteak tomato. The lines of oil add interest—and, hey, everything looks a little more delicious oiled up, right?

Mozz without oil ain't pretty.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Kat Boytsova

Utilize how light effects translucent items like beverages like beer, iced tea, and cocktails. Position drinks so that the sunlight is coming in from behind or the side. This will illuminate your drink and avoid bright reflections on the front of your glass.

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