15 Surprising Foods to Keep in Your Freezer

byKerry Acker
on 01/03/14 at 07:00 PM


One of my resolutions this year is to make even better use of my freezer, which is pretty much the unsung hero of the kitchen. Not only does freezing help reducefood waste, it also saves money and can help retain flavor and importantnutrientsin foods. So, won't you join me in making 2014 the year of the freezer?

Here are 15 surprising foods you can--and sometimes should--stock in your freezer. (Be sure to check out our essentialGuide to Freezingfor smart tips on how to store and thaw food.)

1.Nuts and nut flours:Because of their high oil content, nuts can go rancid very quickly. We recommend freezing bothnutsand nut flours if you don't plan on using them right away. To freeze peanuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and almonds (shelled or unshelled), simply wrap them well in plastic, then place in a resealable freezer bag.

2.Herbs:Chop up fresh rosemary, oregano, sage, or thyme. Pack in ice cube trays (about 1/2 full), pour extra-virgin olive oil over, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze overnight. Remove cubes from trays and store in freezer in resealable plastic freezer bags. When ready to use, thaw in a pan on low heat, or use in stews or soups. (Pesto也冻结:把in ice cube trays, freeze overnight, then store in resealable plastic freezer bags.)

3.Ginger:Working with frozen ginger is ridiculously easy. Freeze whole pieces of unpeeled ginger, wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and placed in a resealable freezer bag. When ready to use, there's no need to defrost: Just scrape with a spoon to peel (if you wish) and then grate with a microplane. Toss instir-friesandsoups, maketea, or use it tobaketo your heart's content.

4.Bacon:We love freezingbacon, not only because, well, it's BACON, but also because it defrosts incredibly quickly at room temperature. Wrap individual portions (3-4 slices) of raw bacon side by side in parchment paper or wax paper, pop them into a resealable freezer bag, and place in the freezer. (If you need to chop the bacon for a recipe, it's very easy to do so when it's frozen.)

5.Butter:Big sale on butter? Buy a bunch and stash a few sticks in the freezer. Keep it in its original packaging, then just wrap it well in plastic to stave off nasty odors.

6.Ripe bananas:Store very ripe bananas in resealable freezer bags (squeeze out as much air as possible and arrange them so they don't stick together). Blend frozen bananas (after peeling with your fingers or a knife) with yogurt and other produce for a super-creamy smoothie, or defrost them (they should thaw after about an hour at room temperature) and use inbanana bread.

7.Berries:Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberriesall freeze very well, and if you freeze them when they're peaking they'll be loaded with nutrients when you eat them. Simply place berries in a single layer on a baking sheet, freeze overnight, then store them in freezer in resealable freezer bags. Toss them intosmoothies,yogurt, or cereal, or thaw and use for baking.

8.Grapes:你能说game-changer? Healthy, crunchy, and satisfyingly sweet, frozen grapes are pretty much the best snacks ever, and they couldn't be simpler to prepare: Wash them, dry them, spread them on a baking sheet, then freeze for a few hours. Enjoy them immediately or store in the freezer in resealable plastic bags.

9.Bread:When freezing loaves of homemadebread,就像French bread, be sure to let them cool first, then wrap whole loaves airtight in plastic wrap then place in resealable freezer bags. Lightly toast the bread to restore its texture and bring out its flavor. Can't finish that whole loaf of storebought bread? Freeze it, then toast slices right out of the freezer.

10.Coffee:If you're an iced coffee lover and you haven't yet made coffee ice cubes, I have to ask: What the heck are you waiting for? Pour your leftover coffee into ice cube trays, freeze, them toss the caffeinated cubes into your iced coffee to give it a boost. Because youdoneed that extra boost, right?

11.Citrus juice:Again with the ice cube trays! Squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice into ice cube trays (measure out 1 or 2 tablespoons in each cube), freeze, then store in resealable plastic freezer bags. Add the cubes to iced tea or lemonade to give your drink an extra kick, or use them in recipes calling for lemon or lime juice.

12.Milk and buttermilk:When we see milk on sale, we buy a few bottles and freeze some for later. Just pour it into a freezer-safe container, leaving some space at the top to allow for expansion. Thaw in the fridge. If the texture is too weird/grainy to drink, use the milk for cooking. Since many recipes call for just a bit of buttermilk, it makes sense to freeze it in smaller portions: Measure out 1-tablespoon portions, pour into those trusty ice cube trays, freeze overnight, then put buttermilk cubes into resealable freezer bags. When ready to use, thaw in the refrigerator.

13.Cooked pasta:Boil your pasta until barely al dente (so pasta isn't mushy when you reheat), then freeze without sauce in individual freezer-ready containers. To serve, microwave or just add to a hot sauce--ta-da!

14.Cooked rice, quinoa, and other hearty grains.I only very recently cottoned to the concept of freezing rice and other cooked谷物。Just cook, let cool, then store in resealable plastic freezer bags. When ready to serve, pour into a bowl and microwave for a minute, or heat the grain with a little liquid on the stovetop.

15.Homemade chocolate chip--and other--cookies.Even if you're not baking batches and batches of cookies for the holidays, we still recommend freezing some cookies. Why? Because,homemade cookiesare delicious, and you should always have access to them. To freeze, let cookies cool completely, wrap them tightly to prevent freezer burn, then place them in a resealable freezer bag. Thaw in the fridge (or do as we sometimes do and snack on frozen chocolate chip cookies, which are amazing).

Related:10 Things to Toss Out of Your Cupboard,9 Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home in 2014

What are your freezing secrets?

03:53:05 PM on

I don't freeze buttermilk because it keeps so long- much, much longer than the "expiration" date. If it smells good, use it.

10:45:33 PM on

Weird stuff that you can often find in my freezer: *Lemongrass bulbs. *Wonton Skins (Gyoza wrappers). *Zest from lemons, oranges and limes I only needed the juice of at the time. *Chicken fat saved from home-made broth (fry your eggs in it, it's amazing). * half of the contents of a can of tomato paste (sometimes, if i forget, two half cans). *Parsley stems. *egg whites or yolks, depending on what I didn't need at the time. *heavy cream, in tiny plastic containers that have lids, not ice cube trays, because it picks up odors so quickly . *the other half of a large package of mushrooms, which I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use before they went slimy, but are great in barley soup. *onion confit, because i tend to make about 3x more than i need, not always by accident. OH, there's much more too...!

05:43:43 AM on

What about cheese? Cheese Fondue seems the perfect fit for these freezing temperatures. Yes you can freeze cheese fondue. But only if it's from Switzerland ;-)

The traditional version is originally created in the Swiss Alps. It consists of fine Alpine cheese melted with a local dry white wine with a touch of cherry brandy and roasted garlic. The cheese mixture is kept warm over a low flame on the dining room table in a fondue pot. Serve with bread, potatoes, gherkins, little pearl onions.

Bon appétit!

09:00:50 PM on

@jennalyn: Yum to cookie dough. I guess the ideal scenario for my family is to have both the frozen cookies AND the frozen cookie dough at the ready. We'll have to try to frozen cooked bacon--I've never done it.

08:58:44 PM on

@Meganos I was so excited to learn the ginger trick! It's one of the things we ALWAYS have in our freezer, especially in winter, for lots and lots of ginger/lemon/honey tea. :)


Stock, then you always have for quick homemade soup

08:22:43 AM on

I had no idea you could freeze ginger. Thanks for the tip!

08:42:19 PM on

You've almost got it the way I do it... Except:

Freeze already cooked bacon. That way you can have it anytime without spending time or making a mess.

Freeze lumps of chocolate chip cookie dough and pop two or three frozen into the toaster oven. 10 minutes later: Hot fresh cookies.

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