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Sarah Magid

Cookbook Author

Sarah Magid is an organic baker based in Brooklyn, New York, where she bakes custom cakes and sweets for weddings, parties, and corporate events. She believes in eating at least one sweet every day. Sarah trained in fine art, history, and sculpture, as well as fashion design, before focusing her creative energy on food and organic baking. Sarah’s cakes, cupcakes, and cookies reflect the colorful, playful sculptural style that she brought to her fashion designs.

Sarah grew up in a California beach town where nature, the ocean, wild gardens, and her family’s backyard fruit trees inspired her. In 2009, She published her first cookbook,Organic and Chic: Cakes, Cookies and Other Sweets That Taste as Good as They Look.Despite the reputation of organic baking, theNew York Timespraised the book by saying there was “nothing crunchy about these stylish desserts.” She lives in Brooklyn where she and her two children go to the park as often as possible to play monster! In her spare time, she plays the cello.

Easy Vegan Chocolate Cake

官方的说法是:最好的纯巧克力蛋糕so the easiest chocolate cake in the world, no dairy or stand mixer required!

Double Ginger Cookies

My friend Melissa McDonnell is finishing up her architectural studies in Texas, but she always finds time to bake her famous ginger cookies. These cookies are chewy, hearty, and totally addictive. The dough does need to chill for an hour, so be sure to prepare accordingly. And keep a close eye on these—my husband is a ginger-cookie addict and stole almost half the batch while they were cooling.

Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese-Lemon Zest Frosting

My son's teachers beg me to make this cake for his snack day at school. It isn't too sweet, and it has a moist, dense texture from the carrots and pineapple. It's also one of my most popular cakes at weddings and parties. When I make it at home, I throw more things into the batter—for example, a handful of pumpkin seeds or toasted pecans if I have them lying around. The beauty of this recipe is that you can increase the spices or omit the nuts, and it will still taste great.


Goldies, my organic twist on a Twinkie, have become one of my most notorious treats. I like to bake these with aneasy chocolate cake(which just happens to be vegan) as a base, as it's the perfect partner to the sweet, creamy filling and dark, almostBittersweet Chocolate Ganache. For a chic finish, I brush them with gold metallic dust. To give the Goldies their unique look, you will need specialty baking pans. These pans are commonly sold as éclair pans, but since éclairs went out of style two decades ago, you may have better luck ordering them (and the wrappers if you want) online through cooking-supply stores such,,

Vanilla Whipped Buttercream

I love using this as a frosting or a filling because it is light and creamy, and less sweet than the Classic Americana Icing. It tastes just like whipped cream.Editor's note:This recipe is used as the filling for Sarah Magid'sGoldies, an organic take on Twinkies.

Cream Cheese-Lemon Zest Frosting

This is a great frosting for theCarrot Cake. The lemon zest complements the cream cheese so perfectly that I sometimes even snack on this frosting—I just can't get enough of the sweet, tangy flavor! If you want extra oomph on the Carrot Cake, add minced ginger to the lemon zest.

Melted Chocolate Ganache

Let the ganache cool to lukewarm before you use it. If it's too hot, it will simply absorb into the cake and disappear.Editor's note:This recipe is used to complete Sarah Magid'sGoldies, an organic take on Twinkies.