Why I Cook With Bud Light Lime

The quick answer is that I have no shame. The more complicated answer is that it makes my food taste better.
Image may contain Human Person Indoors Room Cooktop Oven and Appliance
Photo by Chelsea Kyle

I've been making the same chili recipe for about 10 years. I mention that because while this story isn't really about chili—it is, instead, the story of loosening my culinary morals—the chili,mychili, plays a major role.

It's a vegetarian chili, and at first glance it seems pretty run of the mill, if a bit artisan. There are black beans and pinto beans which I've soaked overnight; homemade chili powder; and all the standard chili fare (jalapeños, onions, etc).

After that, it goes off the artisanally-made rails.

Because once, after a summer cook-out, some friends of friends left behind a pack oflime-enhanced Bud Light beverages。啤酒有点势利眼,我推他们back of the fridge, just in case a swill-drinker should again grace my door.

Months later, when a chill had set in the air, I gathered the ingredients to make my beloved chili. But when I arrived at the deglazing portion of the process, I had a sudden realization: I'd forgotten the “high-class” Mexican beer I would typically use. At a loss for options, in went the Bud Light Lime. And damned if it wasn't the best pot of chili I'd ever tasted.

I’ve made it the same way ever since.

Bud Light Lime makes sense in chili when you stop to consider why it works. It's less bitter than other beers I might have tried, which results in a sweeter stew. And the lime factor lends an acidic finish which cuts through richer, spicier flavors.

Can't stop, won't stop.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle

But how would Bud Light Lime fare with other dishes? That was the question that arose when I reluctantly told the story of my chili to my coworkers. Rather than act horrified as I assumed they might, they were oddly intrigued. Collectively we wondered: Can you braise in Bud Light Lime? Can youbakewith it?

As you've probably guessed by now, I have the answers.

Will it braise?

For this test I used Anna Stockwell’sNo Recipe Required chicken thighs。My version contained chicken thighs seasoned with salt, crushed fennel seed and chile flakes, thin wedges of fennel and red onion, and BLL.

Result:Epi Approved! The chicken had a beer-induced savoriness and slight citrusy aftertaste. The vegetables were fantastic spooned over lightly sautéed black beans.

Just a splash.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle
Will it fry?

Duh.Beer-battered fishwith BLL is a no-brainer. But please note: the resulting tacos will still require a finishing squeeze of fresh lime.

Result:Don’t hold back.

Will it bake?

When I suggested a cake, Team Epi stopped cheering me on. “That's crazy,” one coworker said. “It’ll never work,” said another. Undeterred, I baked a cake with hope in my eyes and a lime—or was it a gleam?—in my heart.

I used thishoney–spice bundt cake, swapping out the coffee for BLL and eliminating the orange zest (the better to judge if the BLL could shine through). I also nixed the chocolate glaze for one made of BLL and powdered sugar.

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Result:I'm gonna be perfectly honest: This cake was bomb. Like hold-up-wait-a-minute-let's-all-bake-with-Bud-Light-in-it good. Note that the beer's carbonation gave the cake more lift, and the extra sugar caused it to cook faster—so when you make it (and you should), check for doneness a few minutes early.

Alas, my experiment with BLL was not all roses. See that photo above? I had to drink alotof BLL for it. And the rest of the day was rough. But while I can nearly guarantee that it will be the last time Idrinkthis limey wonder, I imagine I've barely scraped the surface of what I'llcookwith it.