How to Make Pasta That's Good For You

Joe Bastianich and Tanya Bastianich Manuali's new cookbookHealthy Pastatakes aim at anti-carb diet fads by showing a good-for-you approach to Italian food. Here, Tanya explains the keys to healthier pasta (and, bonus, shares a couple recipes).

We're all familiar with the words, "Finish everything on your plate." In our house it was about getting the very last piece of pasta with your fork. I could not begin to estimate how many pounds of pasta our mother Lidia has cooked, nor how many pounds of pasta we have eaten.

But the way we prepare pasta and what we pair with it has greatly evolved over the past few decades. I still will not pass up a decadent, meaty Lasagna Bolognese for a special occasion, but you simply cannot eat like that every day. Pasta can be healthy, I promise you. Eating good-for-you pasta is a little bit about the quality of the pasta you choose, as well as cooking technique, and how you decide to dress your pasta.

One box of pasta serves six people with 75 grams of pasta per person, equaling 250 calories of pasta alone. Our cookbook allows for another 250 calories per person, totaling 500 calories per portion. There can be some very flavorful ingredients in those 250 calories, such as seasoned proteins, flavorful vegetables, and some good fats like olive oil and cheeses. Eating healthy will only be successful if the food tastes great as well and your body and mind feel satiated.

Tanya's Tips For Healthier Pasta

Go Al Dente

一个健康的选择面食碗意大利面开始made from high quality durum wheat. The better the wheat quality, the higher the protein in the pasta. The higher the protein in the pasta, the easier it is to cook al dente. Pasta cooked al dente is not simply an Italian preference, but it takes you longer to chew, so you feel satiated while eating less. Al dente pasta has not absorbed as much pasta water and therefore it better absorbs digestive liquid in the stomach, digesting faster. It also has a lower glycemic index, so it has less impact on your blood sugar which helps control cravings and provides a steadier supply of energy. A deliciously healthy chain reaction: simply spend a few cents more and buy a high quality durum wheat pasta, then cook it al dente.

Reduce the Oil

Now that you have chosen a high quality pasta, how you cook the sauce to go with it is important. Try using the pasta water to initially sauté onions, garlic, or other base vegetables. You will be saving on some calories that would be added by starting with olive oil. Olive oil is good for you, but it does add calories, so add it at the end to enhance flavor.

Use High Impact Flavors

Try also using ingredients with high impact flavors. Some good examples include capers, olives, anchovies, or sun dried tomatoes. Buy these flavorful products in brine instead of oil, or buy them dried and reconstitute them yourself in water. They add tons of flavor and very few calories. Try roasting some vegetables on parchment paper and dressing pasta with them. The flavors intensify, creating the perfect accompaniment.