How to Eat Breakfast Burritos Every Morning (Even Weekdays!)

Make a bunch ahead of time, freeze them, and thank yourself later.
Image may contain Food Bread Cutlery and Spoon
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Jennifer Ophir

In this age of strife, one thing that most good people continue to agree on is thebreakfast burrito, that highlight of human achievement in the kitchen. It combines the best things to have at breakfast—eggs, cheese, avocado, salsa, sometimes sausage, sometimes potatoes—and wraps them up in one warm and delicious flour-tortilla blanket. What's not to like? The only problem with the breakfast burrito is that its preparation tends to take a little longer than you'd like it to on a weekday morning. There are several ingredients to assemble, after all. And you have to cook the filling. Luckily, though—with the assistance of our longtime friendsthe microwavethe freezer——意图lly is no barrier.

After hearing some rumors on the internet re: breakfast burritos' freezability, I made a batch at home not long ago in order to see for myself. Would they emerge from the freezer soggy, watery, falling apart? As it turns out: no. You freeze them, you zap them, and they're perfect. Making a few adjustments, I used the recipe at the bottom of this page, which includes the standard fare—eggs, cheese, sausage, chorizo. It makes four burritos, though there's no reason you can't double, triple, or quadruple it; freezer breakfast burritos make for such an easy morning meal that you might want to have extra on hand. Here are some things to keep in mind while you're preparing them.

No avocado

Might as well get the most unfortunate bit of news out of the way first: you can't freeze avocado, and so it is not welcome in a freezer breakfast burrito. This is an untenable state of affairs, of course: the breakfast burrito demands avocado. So you'll have to get an avocado a la carte, slice it, and serve it on the side, maybe with a little lime juice and a sprinkling of cilantro.

Seal them tight

The recipe below suggests simply to fold the tortilla over the filling, but for the freezer you'll want to take things a step further. After you place the filling over the tortilla, pull the edge of the tortilla closest to you tightly over the filling and roll the burrito away from you, creating a cylindrical shape. Then fold the edges of the tortilla in toward the center and roll the cylinder tightly over them, forming a closed burrito. (There aresome handy GIFs here, if you need more guidance.)

Freeze them on a baking sheet

After you've assembled your breakfast burritos—we found ourselves partial tothis recipe; hold the avocado, please—place the burritos on a parchment- or wax-paper-lined baking sheet, not touching one another, and put them in the freezer. This will ensure they don't stick together. After they're frozen solid, take them off the tray and pile them into a freezer bag, return them to the icebox, and remove as needed—they can go straight from the freezer to the microwave, no thawing necessary. Just throw a burrito on a plate and nuke it.

The avocado is served on the side, but remains crucial to the whole operation here.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Jennifer Ophir
Microwave for a few minutes

Your mileage may vary depending on your microwave, but in general two or three minutes is all a frozen burrito needs to come back to life. Bear in mind that microwaves can make things extremely hot, so to avoid any scalded tongues, cut the burrito in half and let it breathe for a second before attempting to feed it to yourself or someone else.

Pro tip for maximum satisfaction

While the burrito is rewarming in the microwave, heat a little oil in a skillet—cast iron, if you've got it—over a medium-high flame. When the burrito's hot, cook it a bit in the skillet to give it a nice golden crust—all it takes is about 30 seconds per side. And that's it: hot, savory, homemade breakfast, and there's still time left to walk the dog.