11 Things You Should Never Put in Your Freezer

The freezer is a lifesaver—except when it kills the groceries you put into it.

It's been said before (on this website, in fact) that a stocked freezer is the best and easiest way to win in the kitchen. And that's true—most of the time. But there are a handful (well, a couple of handfuls) of foods that get strange when frozen and then defrosted. Here, 11 of them.

1. Cheese

Soft cheeses such as ricotta, goat, or cream cheese tend to separate when frozen and thawed, which leads to strange textural changes. Hard cheeses like Parmesan and cheddar areusuallya safe bet, but you're still better off buying only what you need andstoring it properlyin the fridge.

2. And for that matter, most dairy

Cream, buttermilk, yogurt, sour cream, and custard all separate and curdle in the freezer.

3. Whole Eggs

Eggs can expand when frozen, causing the shell to crack and potentially let bacteria in—never a good thing. Cooked eggs and egg-based sauces like hollandaise, mayonnaise, and meringue are also poor freezer candidates. If you really have to freeze eggs, crack them, whisk them (or separate the whites and yolks) and store in an airtight container.

4. Fried Food

The crispy, craggily, gloriously fried exterior of fried foods—that is, the best part—is lost when frozen and defrosted. Unless soggy is your thing, keep these suckers away from the cold.

5. Coffee

It's OK to freeze unopened, freshly-roasted bags of coffee for up to a month. But once you open the bag and start taking it in and out of the freezer, the coffee can get ruined. Thawing and refreezingyields condensationon the beans which causes them to absorb freezer smells.

6. Some Produce

Produce that has a high water content (cucumbers, watermelon, lettuce) gets limp and soggy when frozen and defrosted.

7. Fresh Herbs

Try to thaw a bunch of fresh herbs from frozen and you'll be left with a brown, soggy mess. Instead,turn your herbs into compound butter or pesto, both of which freeze impeccably.

8. Cooked Pasta

Cooked pasta turns into a mushy puddle of gluten after it's frozen. Avoid at all costs.

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9. Sauces Thickened With Flour or Cornstarch

Thickened sauces like gravy and béchamel separate when frozen and thawed. Not a good look.

10. Avocados

The texture of avocados changes when frozen, so you can kiss that silky interior goodbye. (But really, when have you ever had trouble using up a haul?) (Oh, wait, you have? You should probably readthis.)

11. Potatoes

When was the last time you craved a soft, grainy potato? Exactly.