How to Make Grain and Vegetable Fritters Without a Recipe

Got leftover rice? How about quinoa? You'll wish you did when you see how easy it is to make crispy fritters with whatever's in the fridge.
Image may contain Frying Pan and Wok
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Anna Stockwell

Grain cakes are “really the most frugal and beautiful thing to make.” That'sMaria Speckspeaking, author ofAncient Grains for Modern Meals, andSimply Ancient Grains. I couldn't agree with her more: turning leftover cooked grains into fritters is a super cheap, delicious, and#wastelessway to make a new dinner out of things you already have in your kitchen. The bonus? You don't need a recipe to make them.

Even Speck, who has some excellent recipes for creative grain cakes (or "fritters", or "burgers," or whatever you want to call them) in both of her books, admits that, really, recipes aren't necessary. If you open your fridge and see leftover cooked grains, you probably also have everything else you need. Just follow Maria's guidelines and you'll know how to make vegetable fritters with any kind of grain:

1. Gather your grains

Any cooked grainwill work:quinoa, rice, millet, oats, barely, farro, or even a mixture of a couple different grains. Measure how much you have on hand—you're going to build the rest of your ingredient ratios around how much cooked grains you have. For reference, know that abouttwo cups of cooked grains will make enough to serve four people.

2. Add some shredded veggies and onion

Any veggie you can shred on box grater will work:beets,carrots,zucchini—evensweet potato. You needhalf the amount of shredded raw veggies as you have of cooked grains. (So, if you have two cups of grains, add one cup of shredded veggies.) Eyeball this. Or measure it. Whatever makes you feel better. While you have the box grater out, grate a bit ofoniontoo. You don't need much—use about half the amount of onion as raw veggies. No onion? Chop up somescallionsorchivesor ashallot.Just make sure to grate/chop your onion into small pieces, because larger pieces of raw onion won't have a chance to fully cook in your cakes. (Got some time on your hands? Sauté the chopped onion for some nice, caramelized sweetness.)

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Anna Stockwell

3. Add cheese. Or herbs. Or spices. Or all three.

Freshgoat cheese,feta,Monterey Jack,blue cheese,cheddar—all of these will add richness, flavor, salt, and protein to your cakes. Use as much cheese as you did shredded veggies. Not into cheese? Add a handful of chopped, freshherbs, a spoonful of dried herbs, or any spice you have on hand: anything fromcumintochili powder(or, even better, finely chopped freshchili peppers).

4. Add eggs and rolled oats to bind the mixture together

Beat aneggor two (you want to useone egg for every cup of grains) and add it to the bowl along with a spoonful of quick-cooking orinstant rolled oats. (If you don't have quick-cooking or instant rolled oats, throw rolled oats in the food processor or blender and process a bit to break them down.) Mix together the grains, veggies, cheese, eggs and oats with a spoon or your hands. Squeeze a handful of the mixture in your hands; if it holds together, you're good to go. If it doesn't, add another spoonful or two of oats.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Anna Stockwell

5. Form your cakes

Squish the mixture between your hands to form a tightly-packed patty. The cakes can be any size you want—smaller if you want to eat them dipped in a sauce, bigger if you want to turn them into a sandwich. Don't worry about being gentle—you'll have better luck if you're not. Place the patties on a tray and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and up to overnight. They may seem a little fragile before you refrigerate them, but don't worry, they'll glue themselves together in the fridge. (That said, they really need at least 30 minutes chilling to fully bind together, so don't skip this step!)

6. Fry and serve

Heat a generous swirl ofolive oilin a heavy skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering, then add your chilled grain cakes. Cook, flipping once, until golden brown and crisp on both sides, about 3 to 5 minutes per side. (The cooking time will depend on the size of your cakes and the heat of your stove; check often to make sure they don't burn.) Eat the patties hot, let them cool to room temp or save them for tomorrow's lunch. Whatever you do, pat yourself on the back—you've just put some leftovers toverygood use, and you now know how to make vegetable fritters any way you like them.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Anna Stockwell