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Food Fight

Why Hash Browns Will Always Win Over Home Fries

In this breakfast battle, Epicurious editors Matt Duckor and Adina Steiman debate which classic potato dish rules the morning. Here, Matt talks hash browns.

Why Home Fries Will Always Win Over Hash Browns

In this breakfast battle, Epicurious editors Matt Duckor and Adina Steiman debate which classic potato dish rules the morning. Here, Adina talks home fries.

Bloody Marys Are the Absolute Worst

Adina Steiman thinks Bloody Marys are gross.Matt Duckordoesn't. Here, Adina makes her case.

Why Milk Chocolate Is Better Than Dark Chocolate

Stop being such an elitist snob and embrace the childish, opulent joy you hoarded at Halloween.

Why Dark Chocolate Is Better Than Milk Chocolate

If you've got a sophisticated sweet tooth and not the palette of a five-year-old, this is what you should be eating.

Bloody Marys Are the Best Ever

Adina Steiman thinksBloody Marys are gross. Matt Duckor doesn't. Here, Matt makes his case.

No, YouDon'tNeed to Eat Mashed Potatoes at Thanksgiving

They're too carby, too time intensive—and too good to be buried under gravy.

Yes, YouDoNeed to Eat Mashed Potatoes at Thanksgiving

Some dishes are negotiable (looking at you, pecan pie); this isn't one of them.