Why You Should Eat Salad for Breakfast

I was a savory breakfast lover in a rut. I was sick of eggs, and I couldn't exactly whip up a quiche on the weekdays. So what did I do? Breakfast salad.

Yes, salad. My new favorite weekday breakfast go-to keeps me satiated until lunchtime and is one of the only dishes that successfully satisfies all the cravings I wake up with.

I'm not talking about some measly spring mix with an egg on top either. I'm talking about complex combinations chock-full of healthy fats, protein, and a ton of greens. In other words, brain food.

But building a breakfast salad is a little different than other salads. Here are 5 steps to getting it right.

Step 1: Assemble your base

Greens are the first thing to come to mind when we think of salads, but breakfast salads can have whatever base you want. Got leftover brown rice or quinoa? Use it--or any grains you have. Got grainsandgreens? Even better. Go for softer lettuces such as arugula, or shred some raw veg such asBrussels sprouts.

Step 2: Add your protein and healthy fats

An egg is always a good idea (hard- or soft-boiled is the most convenient). So is bacon. Leftovers from the previous night's dinner are also key: rotisserie chicken, roasted vegetables, chickpeas. For satiating fats, go for avocados, nuts, and leftover salmon. And speaking of nuts...

Step 3: Get crunchy, creamy and/or sweet with your add-ins

Unlike most breakfast foods, salads have the potential to cover all your cravings. Want it crunchy? Throw in somenuts or seeds. Sweet? Toss in some berries or dried fruits. Creamy? Whip together atahini dressing, which brings us to our next step.

Step 4: Dress it

Breakfast salads are, by their very nature, supposed to be quick, so a simple drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt will usually suffice. But if you've got an extra couple of minutes, survey the pantry to see what else you can use. Miso paste, yogurt, and tahini can all become the base for acreamier dressing. If you've got an excess of citrus or herbs, try making asimple vinaigrette.

Step 5: Savor your salad (if you can)

Breakfast salads can be dressed, packed into a jar and taken to work. But there's something nourishing about sitting down and eating your breakfast salad at home. Try to do it one day next week--your wallet will thank you (no need to buy an overpriced bakery muffin on the way to work) and so will your belly (eating slowly fills you up).

Image above:Poached Egg White and Turkey Bacon Salad