How to Cook with Zucchini Blossoms

If you see these yellow-orange flowers at the market, grab them.

While some people eagerly await the first sight of summer zucchini, to throw on thegrillor mix into theirquick bread, I tend to walk right past that squash at the farmers market. It's not that I don't like the vegetable, but for me, it's all about their delicate, orange-hued flowers.

While they're gorgeous to look at, I usually manage to resist the urge to display them in a vase. They're way too delicious for that. The delicate flavor and tender texture of zucchini blossoms means they're headed straight for my plate.

But first, a botany lesson: Each zucchini plant produces both "male" and "female" flowers. Both are edible, but male flowers grow on a stem and tend to be bigger and slightly sturdier, while the female flowers will be attached to a baby zucchini and are slightly smaller and more delicate. There is no difference flavor-wise, so just grab whatever looks good.

Zucchini blossoms don't keep well once picked, so try to use them the day you buy them. If you have to store them, wrap gently in a damp paper towel, place in an open plastic bag, and keep in the produce bin of your refrigerator for no more than a day or two.

So what to do with them? Pretty much anything, really. Here's proof:

Squash Blossoms Stuffed with Ricotta

John Kernick

Stuff and Fry

The most classic way to enjoy zucchini blossoms is tostuff them with cheese, coat them in breadcrumbs, and quickly fry them. It's an unforgettable way to start pretty much any summer meal.

Toss with pasta

Adding zucchini blossoms to pasta right before serving gives the dish just a touch of extra flavor and color. There's no need to cook them with the sauce—they'll wilt with the residual heat of the pasta.

Sauté with vegetables

Plain old sautéed zucchini is delicious, but why not get the whole gang together by tossing in the blossoms, too? Here, they're quickly cooked in butter and served on top of vegetables, tying the whole dish together.

Bake with eggs

Eggs are a perfect companion for the blossoms, since they don't overwhelm their light flavor. The easiest way to showcase them? Place them on top of a zucchini frittata before baking it.

Sandwich with cheese

Gooey fontina mellows out the grassy flavor of zucchini blossoms in this decadent sandwich.

Wrap around meat

Classic Italian saltimbocca is a dish made of pounded veal wrapped with prosciutto, topped with a sage leaf and sautéed in butter and white wine. Swapping out the sage for zucchini blossoms makes for one pretty dish.