A grey bowl filled with slowcooker green chicken chili.
Photo by JP Bevins, Food Styling by Rhoda Boone

Green Chicken Chili is the Easiest Slow-Cooker Chili Ever

You might say a bowl of this stuff is "super."

The Super Bowlis this Sunday, and you know what that means: it's time for two [goes to Wikipedia] football teams (Patriots! Falcons!) to go head to head in a matchup that will determine who'll take home the [scrolls down] Vince Lombardi Trophy. This year it's the [checks ESPN.com] New England Patriots versus the Atlanta Falcons. The big game starts at 6:30 p.m. EST, which gives everybody plenty of time in the afternoon to enjoy traditional pre-Superbowl snacks like [calls my dad]hot wings,nachos, andcheese dip.

By the time evening rolls around, though, you may want something more substantial than finger food, but without the labor of making dinner while you're trying to root for your favorite team. Something hearty, something satisfying—something that, with the help of a slow cooker, pretty much takes care of itself.

Epi's Rhoda Boone developed a recipe just like that. It's what she's calling a "green chicken chili"—a cross between a slow-simmeredchile verdethat she's fond of and a classicwhite chicken chili. She added sweet potatoes to give the stew a little body, and decided that rather than simmer on the stovetop the whole mess could simply be thrown into the slow cooker and forgotten for a while.

So that's what you do! Take a very few, very affordable ingredients—chicken, sweet potatoes, tomatillo salsa, chicken broth, and a few spices—and put 'em in the Crock-Pot and fire that baby up. Add a couple cans of beans in the last half hour of cooking, and find yourself at the end with a heady, spicy mix of shredded chicken, tender sweet potatoes, and fortifying pinto beans. Garnish this chicken chili with sour cream, avocado, and cilantro and turn your attention to the TV. Then, as they say: get ready to rumble!