The Peanut Sauce Childhood Dreams are Made Of

Our food editor used to make this sauce when she was a kid. Now, it's time to share the magic with your kids.
Image may contain Food Bread and Plant
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Olivia Mack Anderson

My obsession with peanut sauce started at a young age.Sesame noodles—served either hot or cold—were one of the dinners I requested my mom make often. When we would go out for Thai food, I quickly learned to ask for a side of peanut sauce with everything I ordered. Sometimes I wouldn't even bother putting it on anything, I'd just eat it with a spoon. To my young, sensitive palette, any sauce with peanut butter in it was even more magic than ketchup: it made me want to eat everything it touched.

When I was old enough to use the blender unsupervised (I think I was seven?), my mom would let me make the sauce for sesame noodle night. I refused to follow a recipe (some things never change), so making that sauce could easily take me half an hour as I tinkered with ratios of ingredients. I'd spoon peanut butter, sesame oil, tamari, rice wine vinegar, honey, and some water into the jar of my mom's oldWarringand give it a whirl. Then I'd stop, taste, tinker, and whirl again. Sometimes I made so many adjustments that the blender jar was full by the time I got it right.

I never thought to write my childhood-favorite formula for peanut sauce down when I was a kid—I just re-created it from feel every time I made it. Even when the craving hits in my adult life, I make it for myself blindly, fussing with ingredients until it tastes right (now I often add garlic and slices of fresh ginger to the mix). But the other day I decided it was time to write my childhood version down, so I forced myself to measure every little splash until it tasted exactly how I remembered seven-year-old me loving it best: super smooth, super creamy, super peanut-forward, a little tart, a little sweet, and just salty enough. And perhaps most importantly: irresistible enough to make much-maligned broccoli acceptable.

A bowl of rice noodles with steamed broccoli and carrots gets a lot more exciting when there's peanut sauce involved.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Olivia Mack Anderson

If your kids love peanut butter as much as I did (and assuming there are no nut allergies in the house), I hope you'll start making my childhood-favorite peanut sauce for (and with!) them. Make a big batch—it keeps for a couple weeks in the fridge—and serve it as a dipping sauce for sliced cucumbers or carrots or, well, any raw or steamed vegetable, really. You can also toss hot pasta in it, of course; let the noodles cool and you have a great lunch to pack for tomorrow. Dip chicken (skewers, slices, meatballs, whatever) or shrimp into the sauce, or makesummer rolls和服务于酱。无论你服务it, don't be ashamed to eat a few spoonfuls yourself right after you make it—little me is right there with you.