7 Ways to Use Up Your Summer Tomato Haul

Celebrate summer's best food by eating it nonstop.

Every August, I turn into a hoarder.

No, I don't take on too many cats. I take on too many tomatoes. Red ones, green ones, yellow ones—it doesn't matter. I'm rendered helpless at an August farmers market when faced with a table of ripe tomatoes.

Peak season tomatoes this goodcan't go in the refrigerator, which means that if I don't use them quickly, they transform into rotten, useless blobs. How to get through all of my haul, then? Pair them withpeaches and mozzarella. Or maybe roast them with adrizzle of maple syrup. Heck, justcrisp up some bacon and put an egg on it. An egg and a few tomato slices, that is.

This video goes through seven of the brilliant ways our test kitchen developed to get me (and you?) through a big tomato haul. Need more? Yeah, me too. Luckilythe test kitchen has us covered.