Image may contain Bowl Food and Meal
Photo by Caleb Adams

How Long Is Too Long to Keep Plastic Takeout Containers Around?

And is it safe to keep reusing them?

I'm usually good about keeping waste to a minimum. I open mail right away, file what needs to be filed, and shred what needs to be shredded. Old clothes and shoes go to the Salvation Army. I eatleftovers.

But I have a weak spot that maybe I shouldn't cop to publicly: thoserestaurant takeout containersin which I keep said leftovers. Round, sturdy, and stackable, they're also handy for storingbeansand other dry goods,travel snacks,extra whipped cream…the list goes on.

Still, I know plastic takes a huge toll on the planet, and I've read ofthe potential for harmful chemicalsleaching from these containers. At some point, we all need tolet our plastic containers go—but when?

Check the code

It's important to note that weshouldreuse and ultimately recycle most plastic containers. You're doing good by not immediately trashing them.

How can you tell what type of plastic you have and whether it can be recycled? Google "plastic recycling" and your city; regulations vary depending on where you live. Then look for the number inside the little recycling symbol on the bottom of the container, which corresponds to the type of plastic, and check outthis guide.

Takeout containers as well as food storage containers such as Ziploc andGladare typically a "5," meaning they're made out of polypropylene. In Chicago, where I live, plastics marked 1 through 5, plus 7, are recyclable. (Those with a 6, a.k.a. Styrofoam, and anything not numbered are not.)

What we don't know about plastic

There's a reason why these food containers are made of polypropylene. It's durable and has a high melting point, according to the American Chemical Society.

"Polypropylene, as plastics go, is supposed to be one of the 'safer' plastics," says Caroline Cox, senior scientist with the Center for Environmental Health, an Oakland, California-based nonprofit.

But while polypropylene is the base plastic, these containers also contain unknown additives, including dyes or chemicals that help soften or harden the plastic, says Cox. "One of the biggest problems is we don't really know what's in these containers and neither do the restaurants that are using them," she says. With such a complicated mixture of chemicals, it's hard to evaluate the safety of these, or any plastic, over time.

Even containers marked BPA- and phthalate-free don't get a free pass. There'sevidencethat they still leach outestrogen-like chemicals, which scientists have linked to a number of ills, including cancer, heart disease, liver problems, and infertility.

"I think the big question is how can we cut back on their use altogether," says Cox.

Go easy on plastic at home

But if it's not feasible to swap out all plastic for glass or ceramic, it's worth considering how you treat your plastic containers at home.

Most, including my beloved generic takeout containers, are labeled microwaveable and dishwasher-safe, but that doesn't mean you can use them like regular ceramic or glass dishware or subject them to super high heat. In fact, the Environmental Working Groupflat out discouragesusing plastic containers in the microwave.

If you are comfortable washing them in your dishwasher (I am not), they should go on the top rack only, manufacturers say.

"Plastic has that property where it absorbs that soap smell, so if you're sensitive to that, I'd hand-wash them," says Julian Yeung, a spokesman for W.Y. Industries, a New Jersey-based manufacturer of deli containers and utensils.

Heat eventually will break down plastic, says Cox, but again, when that happens and what that means for the safety of the plastic is unclear.

So how long can I keep reusing them—weeks? Months?

There's no good answer. Yeung says a typical deli container will easily last a few months if you treat it "relatively gently." The Ziploc brand of containers has a five- to 10-year shelf life as long as you use them as recommended and they "remain in good condition," according to a company spokeswoman.

Glad doesn't put a time frame on its containers. "We recommend replacement should your containers crack or become discolored," Beth Scott, Glad food protection manager, said via e-mail.

It basically comes down to how your containers look and your own instincts. If they're deteriorating in any way, badly stained, or you've had them a long time but have no clue just how long (yes, I'm guilty), it's time to purge. Your next Thai curry—and plastic container—are just a speed-dial away.