10 Cooking Tools to Buy at the Hardware Store

These tools come in handy in the kitchen.

Kitchen supply storesare great and all, but the hardware store is the OG culinary shopping stop. In fact, the indispensableMicroplanegot its startas a rasp, a woodworker's tool meant for shaping and smoothing. While today's adapted version of the Microplane is much better suited for your kitchen needs, you can find a lot of things at the hardware store that are super helpful when you're putting together dinner. Even better? A lot of these options are actually much cheaper than their fancy cooking store counterparts. So next time you're picking up nails, throw these tools in the cart as well.

Paint Brushes AKA Pastry Brushes

Remember howimportant we said pastry brushesare? They're a must for egg wash, wiping up flour, coating cakes in sugar syrup, and coating meats in marinades. Theones at the hardware storeare just as good as brushes designed for pastry, and you'll often find them in multiple sizes in these shops. Grab the ones with soft bristles, and you're good to go.

Rubber Mallet AKA Meat Tenderizer

Want more power from your meat mallet? The hardware store'sgiant rubber malletis meant for banging on wood and metal, and will handle your meat with ease. Just make sure to cover the meat with a layer of plastic wrap before pounding away.

Smoothing Tool AKA Bench Scraper

Theseflat plastic tools有许多不同的形状和大小和旨在smooth out wallpaper. Their flat edge and handle-like side make them just as ideal as abench scraper. Use them to pick up ingredients, clear off work surfaces, and cut dough evenly.

Soldering Torch AKA Kitchen Torch

They may be hyped as "professional kitchen torches," but hand any chef the tiny little torches sold in cooking shops, and they'll likely laugh out loud. Thelarger-than-life onesthey carry at hardware stores are much more handy for any serious amount of flaming. Use this to finish off crème brûlée, add nice char to halved citrus or stone fruit, or caramelize marshmallows and meringue. It's also a great way to remove bubbles from custard or flan before baking—just zap them with the torch briefly before placing in the oven.

Palette Knife AKA Spatula

The hard, flat side of apalette knifeis usually used for smoothing out spackle or caulk and spreading or removing adhesive. We also think it's a great thing to have in the kitchen. Use them for picking up cookies, moving slices of cake, loosening the sides of baked goods away from the pan, and spreading condiments.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Katherine Sacks

Needle Nose Pliers AKA Herb Scissors

The tiny edges ofthese plierscan be used to reach small spaces and to cut through wire and thin metal. Grab a second pair for the kitchen, and you'll be ready to trim your herbs and do other delicate cutting jobs.

Garden Shears AKA Kitchen Shears

Thegiant shearsyou'll find in hardware stores are great for clipping grass, cutting branches, and other landscaping tasks. A smaller size iskey in the kitchen. Use them to butcher chickens, trim vegetables, and cut up dried fruit. You can often find kitchen-style shears at the hardware store, butany heavy duty pairwill work.

Measuring Tape AKA Measuring Tape

They're great for building projects but did you know a tape measure is also a key tool in the kitchen? Whenever a recipe specifies a measurement for pans or cuts, whip this out and make sure you're accurately baking, cutting, and cooking. (Size can really affect how quickly/slowly something cooks!) Any measuring tape or ruler will do but we likethese little guysbecause they don't take up much space.

Notched Spreader AKA Cake Icer

The notched edges ofthis toolhelp flatten wallpaper and other materials in tight corners. In the kitchen, we use it to add flair to an iced cake—run the edges along the outside coating of icing, you'll have a professional looking job in no time.

Twine AKA Kitchen Twine

Handy men usetwineto tie up or connect materials, and in the kitchen you can do the same. Use it to secure chickens tightly before roasting, tie together herbs you want to remove later, and tie up herbs for drying. Just make sure to get the 100 percent natural cotton twine.