The Best Way to Clean a Stained Enameled Cast Iron Pot

What to do when those burnt bits won't budge.

One of my prized kitchen possessions is an old, golden yellow Dansk dutch oven that used to be my mom's—it's a constant reminder of childhood casseroles past. But after years of churning out those comforting dinners, I find that no matter how careful I am, the enamel interior burns and stains constantly. While it now officially looks loved, I started to get frustrated with just how blackened my once-cheery pot had become.

How to clean it without investing in every cleaning product on the market? The answer is that little cardboard box of baking soda that's hiding in the pantry. So the next time you try rushing thosecaramelized onionsin your dutch oven and end up with a stained mess (sometimes these things happen), pull out the baking soda and try these methods:

1. Boil Away

Fill your dutch oven with water and bring it to a boil. Then add a few big spoonfuls of baking soda (add them slowly as the baking soda will bubble up and foam). Let the mixture simmer on the stove as you use a wooden spoon to scrape up the blackened, burnt-on stains. Once you've scraped away at them, drain the pot and wash it out with dish soap and an abrasive sponge, to scrub out any remaining marks.

2. Let it Sit

If you've seriously burnt your dutch oven, the first method may not result in a completely clean pot. You'll need to try something stronger. Make a paste by stirring a few drops of water into a couple of spoonfuls of baking soda. Evenly coat the bottom of your pot with the paste, cover it, and let it sit out on your counter overnight. (Try this method on stains on the exterior of the pot, as well.)

The next morning, use a wooden spoon to scrape up the burnt gunk. Once you think you've got most of it off, rinse out the paste from the pot and use dish soap and an abrasive sponge to clean it out and rub away any remaining marks. Feel free to repeat the process until you have the desired results.