Image may contain Food Bread and Cornbread
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

Why You Should Treat Your Cake Like a Steak

Once you start taking your cake's temperature, you'll have a mouth-meltingly good result every time.

I’m just going to say it. “Moist” isa magic word for cake. But even when you’ve followed the recipe in full and checked the center with a toothpick, a cake might still be, well, not moist—or downright dry and dusty. To ensure your cake is so perfectly baked it doesn't evenneedfrosting, a toothpick test isn't enough. You need to treat your cake like a roast chicken. You need to check its temperature.

Why the Toothpick Test Isn't Foolproof

I spoke with Kim Allison, culinary editor atThermoWorks, which brought usthe cult kitchen tool that helps you nail perfect doneness in steak, about how precise "doneness" temperature also applies to baking.

The old school way to test a cake for doneness is inserting a toothpick into the baking cake’s center and checking for wet batter or crumbs that stick to the toothpick. If you see crumbs, many people assume, the cake's not done yet. But that test doesn’t work for every cake, Allison says.

“Some cakes are done even when there's still crumbs and moisture that cling to the toothpick,” says Allison. Fudgy chocolate cakes or richcarrot cakesare perfect examples. Despite the cake being perfectly cooked, some crumbs will stick to the toothpick, and if you continue baking it until the toothpick comes out immaculate, you'll end up with a sugary brick. And even if you're baking a cake that's done when the toothpick comes out clean, it's great to track its temperature so you can pull it from the oven when itjusthits the perfect temperature so it doesn't over-bake. With a thermometer, there's no guesswork.

When to Take Your Cake's Temperature

Avoid checking the temperature too early, which can interfere with the cake's leavening (and of course let too much heat escape your oven). Instead, several minutes before the recipe's baking time is up, turn on your oven light and take a peek at your cake through the door. Visual cues, like the cakes color becoming more golden or darker, are a good indication to get the thermometer going. Then give your cake a gentle poke. “Just press on the top and check to see if the cake springs back fully.” That's a good sign to reach for the thermometer.

The Sweet Spot

There’s a small range of temperatures you’re looking for to achieve perfect cake doneness, says Allison. For denser cakes like flourless chocolate cake, carrot cake, and red velvet cake, an instant-read thermometer inserted into the middle of the cake (avoiding the bottom of the pan) should measure 200-205°F. For lighter cakes like angel food cake or sponge cake, the thermometer should measure 205-210°F. Just be sure to avoid 212°F and beyond, since that's the temperature that water turns to steam, which means you'll start losing precious moisturefast.

Now say it with me. “Moist.”