
The most basic of brassicas is also easy to buy, hardy to store, and best prepared simply. So why aren't you eating more broccoli?

Maybe you don't give broccoli much thought because you know you can get it at the store pretty much any time of year. Or you're picky like a certain former U.S. President. Or you're more taken by broccoli rabe (no offense to broccoli rabe).

To that we say, hop on this brassica bandwagon. Broccoli will peak again in the fall, but in cooler parts of the country is potentially available all summer. It's in season in warmer parts of the country over the winter.

In other words: it's almost always broccoli season somewhere.

You can even eat the stems. "For too long, people have had this notion of 'the edible part’ of broccoli. But the whole plant is edible!" said Terra Brockman, author of the James Beard-nominatedThe Seasons on Henry's Farm. Her brother has grown broccoli, among many other crops, on the family's Central Illinois farm for 25 years.

When we spoke, Brockman was trying to use up the last of what she'd frozen from last year's harvest. We agreed that there’s no need overthink or overcook broccoli— simply charred or grilled is a wonder. Here's how to make like a Brockman when choosing and caring for your broccoli:

Hey, bud

Broccoli—which is a flower bud, by the way—prefers cool, moist weather. And as Brockman has excellentlyexplained to Epicurious before, size doesn't matter, so don't assume that giant broccoli head is bitter, or that the petite ones are sweeter.

What matters most is how the buds look. They should be tight and compact. That's it. Any yellowish tint is a sign of flowering. In other words, that broccoli is over the hill.

Keep it cold

Broccoli is hardy but it needs coddling, too. "We take a lot of care when we're harvesting because it's one of those things that respirates. It actually puts out heat after you cut it," Brockman said. For that reason, she said, it's kept chilled on ice all the way to market. Quality will start to slide and nutrients lost otherwise.

Similarly, at home, keep broccoli cold in the fridge, loosely stored in a plastic bag so it can still breathe, and wash it just before using. It'll keep for a week, but it will taste best the sooner you eat it, not to mention it'll be at its nutritional peak, according to the University of Illinois Extension.

Freezer safe

Broccoli freezes well. Brockman’s technique: Chop and drop the stems first in boiling salted water for a minute or two, then add the florets for an even quicker blanch, just until bright green.

Shock the broccoli in cold water, then drain and lay out on paper or dish towels to dry before piling into freezer bags. Brockman uses a vacuum-sealer. Either way, press the air out before sealing. It'll keep frozen this way for a year.