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Photo courtesy of Dogfish Head

Finally, Someone's Made Beer That Could Prevent Hangovers

It may be oxymoronic, but we're glad hangover-free beer finally exists.

After centuries of fraternity brothers wishing on dandelions and shooting stars, hangover-free beer has been willed into existence.

It's called SeaQuench Ale, fromDogFish Head Craft Brewery, and it's "a session sour mash-up of a crisp Kolsch, a salty Gose, and a tart Berliner Weiss brewed in sequence with black limes, sour lime juice and sea salt." The beer isn'tlow-alcoholby any means (the beer clocks in at 4.9 percent ABV, which is higher thanaverage), and DogFish Head hasn'texplicitlyclaimed that the beer will prevent hangovers. But on its website the company talks the beer up as the "most thirst-quenching beer Dogfish Head has ever brewed." So Extra Crispy made the next logical conclusion in a post titled"This Beer Is Supposed to Leave You Hydrated, Not Hungover."Naturally, this got my hopes up that SeaQuench would be the answer to post-boozing aches and pains.

We prayed that the rumors were true.

Photo courtesy of Dogfish Head

It's not that crazy a theory. When EpiDIY'd Gatorade,我们知道糖和盐是两个crucial components of a sports drink: the combination of sodium and glucose keeps you hydrated when you're sweating through a workout (or sweating through a sequence of questionable dance moves in a cramped bar). SeaQuench has added sea salt (sodium!), and the website describes the beer as having sweetness in the finish (sugar?), had to be worth a shot, right?

So I gave the beer a test run. The flavor is best described as equal partsBud Light Limeand salty ocean water (reviews from my friends ranged from "not for me" to "I love this salty thing"). I drank two, alongside some other adult beverages.

So, does it actually prevent hangovers? I didn't feelnothungover the next morning, so I'll probably stick to my post-drinking pre-bedtimecoconut waterroutine. But, hey, it's a solid beer. And anyway, being hungover is a great excuse for a big, greasy breakfast, and I wouldn't give that up for any drink.