How to Eat Oats in the Summer

Not just for winter anymore.

During the winter, oatmeal is practically all I eat. Sliced bananas, toasted nuts, swirls of peanut butter in the morning, and more savory oatmeals with curry spices and apples make a great afternoon snack.

But a steaming hot bowl of gut-sticking oats loses its appeal once you’re wearing short sleeves. And oatmeal, like snow boots and knit scarves, goes into hibernation during the summer months.

Wait a minute, though. The flavor combinations in a bowl of oatmeal aren’t out of season. Pretty sure berries are better now than ever. And oatmeal is really good for you. So why ditch oatmeal during the summer?

Here’s how to get your oats without the steaming bowl.


When it's hot out, go withmuesli, oatmeal's cooler sibling. This Scandanavian breakfast staple is chilled in milk overnight; by morning, the oats soften into a pleasant porridge. AtHuckleberry Caféin Santa Monica, California, the muesli gets mixed with wheat germ and chia seeds. The more time muesli spends soaking, the better the texture becomes. Top if off with traditional oatmeal toppings, like crushed nuts, berries, or dates.


News flash: granola is mostly oatmeal that’s been baked with syrup, butter, and more butter. It's easily portable, making for a great travel snack or a picnic treat. Eat it with milk or sprinkled on top of vanilla or coffee ice cream, but if you really want tochange up the oatmeal rulesmake it savory and sprinkle ontop of saladsfor extra crunch, or use it to add a crust to fish or chicken.


For all you sweet oatmeal lovers out there, bars are your breakfast best friend. Stir oats into your next bar (especially with chunks of banana and chocolate), or use it as the crust ina fig and walnut bar.


Smoothies are a refreshing way to start your morning off in a healthy way, but too often you're hungry again by the time you get to work. Enter: secret oats for breakfast. Sneak someoats into your next fruity smoothieand hold yourself over until lunch time.


Oatmeal cookiesseem like they only work in the fall, right? Wrong. As the outer layers of anice cream sandwich filled with nectarine ice cream, they're great for summer.