5 Simple Dinners for the Last Days of Summer

Fortify yourself for the long weekend with easy, summery fare.

这是:夏季和秋季的十字路口。总和mer produce is far from giving its last gasp, of course, but with Labor Day just hours away, summer is beginning to feel a little...fleeting. So let's start eating.

Tomatoes, clams, burgers, pizza—that's what we're going to eat this week. Because summer's not over yet. Go ahead and repeat that: Summer's not over—yet.

Monday: Chicken and Panzanella

Whether you’re a crispy chicken novice oran old pro, it doesn't matter—this dish never gets old. Pair it with a simple panzanella of country bread and cherry tomatoes to make it a full meal.

Tuesday: Golden Pasta

This could be the easiest way to make pasta in the summer. While making a pot of capellini, spaghetti, or bucatini, cook a half pound of the freshest and sweetest sun gold tomatoes you can find. They'll practically melt in the pasta—and so will you.

Wednesday: Clams

Clams are great for weeknight dinners for two reasons: 1) They’re cheap. 2) They’re fast. Pro tip for cooking a flavorful, sweet, and fragrant garlic base:start cooking the garlic in a cold pan.

Thursday: Lamb Patties

Burgers are only for the weekend? And only with beef, you say? I think you're wrong on both counts. Spice up your weeknight dinner with this mix of ground lamb and coriander, cumin, and garlic. (You can have your beef burger on Saturday.)

Friday: Pizza

It’s officially Labor Day weekend, so do something special and turn your oven into areal, honest-to-goodness pizza oven. (Serious props if youmake your own dough.)