How to Eat Cottage Cheese: 18 Ways to Make It Taste Amazing

We're bringing cottage cheese back from the depths of 80s diet culture and into your kitchen.
图像可能包含植物性食物餐盘奶油冰Cream Dessert Cream and Egg
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We like cottage cheese.Hell, some of us even love it.That chewy, curd-y texture, the saltiness and the fatty mouthfeel... and it's even higher in protein thanGreek yogurt. We get it, though—it's got a reputation, and it's not a good one. Here's how to eat cottage cheese without feeling like an 80's yo-yo dieter, including some ingenious ideas thatEpi readers sharedwhenmy colleague Anya posted sharedher cottage-cheese confessional.

1. Make it sweet

This might be the most common—albeit a little bit retro—way to eat cottage cheese, but it's got that salty-sweet thing going on that we really can't be mad at. Here are some sweet toppings to brighten up a creamy bowl of cottage cheese—feel free to mix and match. And remember, you can always goreallyold school and fill a halved peach or melon with cottage cheese for the ultimate "dieter's delight." Hey, it's a classic for a reason.

  • Chopped pineapple, peaches, plums—heck, pretty much any ripe, soft fruit
  • Freshberries
  • Honey/maple syrup
  • Jamand toasted nuts
  • Chopped apple and a dash of cinnamon

2. Take it the savory route

It is cheese, after all. The cheese's texture lends itself well to simple toppings, like a drizzle of olive oil, but textural pops like crunchy chips and juicy tomatoes work well as a fun change if you feel like you're stuck in a CC rut.

  • Chopped roasted peppers, S&P, plus a drizzle ofolive oil
  • A sprinkle of za'atar and plenty of grated cucumber
  • Chopped scallions, S&P, and a dash of hot sauce
  • Chopped tomatoes and cucumber, S&P, and, yep, a drizzle of olive oil
  • Crushedpotato chipsor tortilla chips

Other mix-in ideas from our readers included crumbledbacon, Kalamata olives, andsalsa. Worth a shot, right?

3. Make it a proper meal

Besides being a protein-rich snack, cottage cheese can easily make its way into your dinner repertoire. You can use it in place of ricotta in lots of recipes, including salads, like thisgrilled kale and plumone, stuffed intofried squash blossoms, and even used instead of ricotta inlasagnato add more protein (plus, cottage cheese is typically cheaper than ricotta!). We also love thesesavory pancakesmade with cottage cheese, and thisherbaceous dip—pass the toast, stat.

Try subbing some (or all) of the ricotta in this lasagna recipe...We think it might change your mind about how to eat cottage cheese forever:

Meet the Lasagna You've Been Dreaming Of