Squares of fudgy glutenfree cream cheese brownies.
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

3 Gluten-Free Treats From Our New Magazine

We've gone to the print side! But don't worry—we're sharing our new GF brownies and lemon bars right here, too.

This week, Epicurious released the latest of its special magazines. Yes, I saidmagazine. Every other month or so we take a collection of our recipes and bind them into a gorgeous, glossy compilation that you can pick up at grocery stores, newstands, and, naturally,online.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle

This time the collection is comprised of recipes that are all gluten-free. We've also packed these 96 pages with articles from our editors, as well as a few new recipes for gluten-free treats from our ownAnna Stockwell.

Those new recipes are easy to spot—they're on the cover. And they're so good that we're sharing them here, too.

Fudgy Gluten-Free Cream Cheese Brownies

The best thing about these brownies is the ingredient list, both what's on it (espresso, chocolate, vanilla) and what itisn'ton it. You'll see no gluten-free flour mixes among these ingredients. No xanthan gum, either. Instead, you'll find typical, everyday, happen-to-be-gluten-free ingredients, making these GF brownies easy to whip up in any kitchen.

Gluten-Free Lemon Bars

We've got not just one buttwolemon bars in these pages. The first is the classic: sweet and tangy and dusted with powdered sugar. The second, which you can find on page 20, is a play on pink lemonade (the pink comes from fresh raspberries and pomegranate juice).

Gluten-Free Sugar Cookies

You might have seen—or baked!—this recipe before, as we rolled it out a few months ago for Thanksgiving. But we've updated the look of these classic cookies for spring, cutting them into flower shapes and sprinkling them with pastel sugars.

These are just a few of the recipes fromEpicurious Gluten-Free Everyday; for 140 more,order the magazine at Amazon, or find it wherever great-looking magazines are sold.