4 Quick Dinner Ideas Inspired by Our Favorite Convenience Foods
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Rhoda Boone

4 Quick Dinner Ideas Inspired by Our Favorite Convenience Foods

Give boxed macaroni and cheese and Chinese takeout a DIY makeover.

Let's be honest: we all crave junk food every once in a while. (Stop denying it, Jim.)

Here's another truth: no matter what your guru told you last week,alwayseating in the most healthful way possible is basically impossible, and definitely boring. And sincequick dinner ideascan be hard to come by (unless you're signed up forEpi's daily newsletter), sometimes it's all too easy to fall into the trap of convenience foods time and again.

That's why our newest round of recipes satisfies those comforting, convenience food cravings—while also making them just a little more nutritious.

If American cheese is your melty, ooey-gooey jam, go for it. But know this, you can make American cheese–style cheese yourself—andyou can flavor it with nearly any cheese you want. Pepper jack American: Yes. Muenster American: Yes. Smoked gouda American: Definitely. Also, and this is important, you can cut the slices as thick as you want them. So long, cellophane!

你想要薯条吗?当然你would. But don't worry, there's no need to go to the trouble of double- or triple-frying potatoes to mimic the Golden Arches' greatest gift to the world. Instead,this genius methodfrom the amazing Patricia Wells starts by placing rinsed, dried potatoes in cold oil and bringing the whole thing up to a boil together. The fries emerge golden and greaseless in less than 30 minutes.

Want convenience in under 30 minutes? How does 22 minutes sound? For her latestTakeout at Homeproject, food director Rhoda Boone takes on General Tso's chicken. She even guides youstep-by-stepso that your spicy, sweet chicken comes together as effortlessly as possible. Making it is certainly easier than trying to remember your Seamless password.

If it's that classic blue box you're into, you're gonna love this one. This mac and cheese isjust as easy to put togetheras the boxed stuff and includes only four ingredients, all of which are completely and totally comprised of real food. Bonus: It actually tastes like cheese. And you can customize it just like you would any old easy mac. Toss in some green peas or pepperoni or halved cherry tomatoes or chile flakes. You know, whatever feels convenient.