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Crostini with Prosciutto, Figs, and Mint

How to Make Jamie Oliver's Valentine's Day Menu

The British chef—and devoted husband—shares his recipes and tips for a romantic feast

几年前在情人节那天,家里of Jamie Oliver and his wife, Jools, the table was set, the wine was poured, rich aromas wafted from the stovetop, and Jamie was on fire—literally. "I cooked in the nude for a laugh, and I burned a certain part of my anatomy," Oliver, a.k.a. the Naked Chef, explains, sheepishly. "It wasn't the most successful Valentine's Day, and the British press had a field day."

Now when Valentine's Day rolls around, Oliver tries to keep things simple—and keep his clothes on (in the kitchen, anyway)—to avoid disaster. Whether you're cooking as a couple or presenting a meal to your partner, a low-key supper is always a safer bet than an elaborate multicourse meal that leaves you feeling stressed and exhausted.

In Oliver's own experience, he never had to woo Jools with fancy foods to win her heart, but he may have earned her affection with a series of simple do-it-yourself dinners. "I always used to cook for her before I went to work, because when we were first together I worked long hours and mostly nights and I wouldn't see her before she came home from work," Oliver explains. "So I would leave her food for her to throw in the oven. She wasn't much of a cook, so I would write a little note right on the aluminum foil telling her how to cook it and that I love her."

Like those no-fuss dinner packets, Jamie Oliver's Valentine's Day menu is inspired by Italian cuisine and is all heart and no hassle. Oliver sets the scene with a small centerpiece of fragrant flowers and herbs, and he tempts the palate with a passion-inducing cocktail. Then, he offers a sensual three-course meal that's rich in flavors but light enough that it won't induce a postdinner food coma. And with tips that make preparation a cinch, Oliver ensures that you'll have plenty of time to focus on your loved one during dinner.

The Food

Passion Meets Perfection

While working on his cookbook, Jamie's Italy, Oliver learned that Italians are a passionate people—and their biggest passion is their food. "In every village that I visited, the people who lived there were sure that their dish was the best in existence," Oliver recalls. "It had to be. They'd done it the same way forever and all of the ingredients are local—and not how we Brits or Yanks think of local. I mean local, like in-the-backyard local."

Jamie Oliver's Valentine's Day menu is simple in terms of ingredients and effort, but it's far from austere. The rusticFig and Mint Crostiniis a snap to prepare and can serve as snacks while you and your honey prepare theAnchovies in Tomato Sauce with PastaandQuick Tiramisù."I think as long as you've put a bit of passion into it, a lot of meals can be sexy," Oliver says.

"Something like a smooth, silky, fresh pasta can be quite sensual. And then maybe something a bit indulgent for dessert—but nothing too heavy or it will make you feel like falling asleep!" To make this simple menu shine, instructs Oliver, it's important to use the freshest produce you can find.

Romance in the Kitchen

Of course, this no-fuss three-course meal could be fun to cook as a couple—if you're the sort of couple that can keep the peace in the kitchen. Unfortunately, Jamie and Jools don't fall into that category. "The trouble is that even if I want Jools to cook for me, I can't control myself and end up taking over," he admits. "It's terrible, I know. I usually cook for her, and that's about as romantic as we get."

If one party must take the reins in the kitchen, let the noncook be a taste-tester. Since Oliver doesn't use measuring cups and spoons in the kitchen (unless he's baking), he samples his food as he cooks. "What I've always tried to do is get people to trust their instincts and taste their food as they go along," he says. So, be sure to snack on the crostini, sample the pasta sauce as it simmers, and let the flavors seduce you. And go ahead—stick a finger in the vanilla mascarpone before the tiramisu goes into the fridge—just don't forget to share. Or better yet, feed each other. If you're the kind of couple who are more amenable to cooking together, pick one of you to make the pasta while the other makes the tiramisù so it has a chance to set in the refrigerator while you eat.

The Drinks

Pouring your honey's favorite cocktail as an aperitif is a guaranteed way to score points early in the game. But if you'd like to experiment with something new, Oliver's Jum & Bender will also do the trick. Filling your Champagne flutes with a bit of bubbly, passion fruit juice, and a splash of grenadine makes for an easy yet impressive cocktail.

Oliver recommends pairing a light Italian red with this menu—something that will enhance the crostini and pasta's delicate flavors without overpowering them.

The tiramisù calls for some vin santo or a sweet sherry, so you'll have a bottle to break out when it's time for dessert. Vin santo, a sweet, amber-colored Tuscan wine, is worth finding because it pairs perfectly with the creamy tiramisù. Other tasty alternatives include the frizzante Moscato d'Asti, sweet sherry, or Sauternes.

The Setting

If breaking out the crystal and fine china means you'll be hand-washing dishes all night, just go with your everyday tableware and focus on the beauty of the food. Add a little drama to the frilly and festive pasta by twisting the noodles with tongs as you place them on each plate. You'll create a pyramid-shaped mound, and this unfussy move, along with the dish's sensual textures, makes it clear that this entrée is anything but an everyday bowl of spaghetti.

Less Is More

The point of this meal is to enjoy each other's company, and it's hard to make eye contact when there's a huge centerpiece between your two plates. Oliver skips the clichéd roses and leaves the linens in the closet. "It's not that often that we have time alone together, so we don't need all the candles and palaver," he explains, "but I'll cut some flowers or herbs from the garden and bring those in." A small bouquet will set the mood (though nothing so fragrant that it overpowers the aroma of the food) and, of course, candles are always mood-enhancing if you've got some on hand.

Mood Music

As you're cooking, play your favorite music. And don't fret if you and your beloved don't share musical tastes—you can celebrate your differences by switching back and forth between, say, AC/DC and Ella Fitzgerald. When it's time to eat, switch to something soft and soothing that won't distract you from your conversation and delicious meal.


Shop Smart

When getting ready for Valentine's, keep is simple, but buy the best. For instance, the crostini has very few ingredients, but you can make the dish shine by buying the best ingredients possible—especially when it comes to olive oil and balsamic vinegar. "Taste a few extra-virgin olive oils until you find one that you really love—there are hundreds of producers," Oliver advises. "Same goes for balsamic. Generally, the more expensive you buy, the better quality and the tastier the vinegar." For the pasta, and for any recipe that uses olive oil for frying, you don't need to use extra-virgin olive oil—so it's a good idea to have cheaper bottle of olive oil on hand as well.

Bread Do-Ahead

Buy a crusty loaf of Italian bread a day in advance and leave at least six slices out on your counter so they go a bit stale. Before you start the pasta, pulse the stale slices in a food processor to make the crumbs you'll need for the recipe.

Splurge on Chocolate

Oliver's Quick Tiramisù recipe specifically calls for the "best-quality chocolate," and he stresses its importance: "Poor-quality chocolate can burn, and then the whole thing will taste awful," he explains. "When you have good ingredients, it's hard to mess it up. That's why it's worth spending a little more and getting the best stuff you can afford."

Experiment with Aphrodisiacs

This menu skips the oysters, but it does include a few subtle aphrodisiacs—like the mint and fig in the crostini and the chocolate in the tiramisù. It's not scientifically proven that mint increases all kinds of appetites, that the cut fig will remind you of a certain female body part, and that the chocolate's burst of caffeine will arouse your senses—but hey, it's worth a shot. When we asked Oliver if he believes in the powers of aphrodisiacs, he joked, "Sure, I'll take all the help I can get."