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这is my basic brioche recipe, soft, light, and intensely buttery. For those who desire even more butter, it can be increased to 6 ounces, which will also make the crumb finer, denser, and more cake-like. This is actually a very easy dough to make, especially in a bread machine, which handles this small amount of dough perfectly.

Dough Starter (Sponge):minimum 1 1/2 hours, maximum 24 hours
Minimum Rising Time:10 hours
Oven Temperature:425°F (350°F for the loaf)
Baking Time:10 to 15 minutes for small brioche, 35 to 40 minutes for the loaf


Makes 16 small brioche (or one 8 1/2-by-4 1/2-by-4 1/2-inch-high loaf)/17.5 ounces/500 grams

Dough Starter (Sponge):

water, at room temperature (70° to 90°F): 2 tablespoon (1 ounce or 29.5 grams)
sugar: 1 tablespoon (scant 0.5 ounce or 12.5 grams)
instant yeast: 1/4 teaspoon (0.8 grams)
unbleachedall-purpose flour (use only Gold Medal, King Arthur, or Pillsbury): 1/2 cup (2.5 ounces or 71 grams)
eggs: 1 large egg (2 ounces or 58 grams weighed in the shell)

Flour mixture:

unbleachedall-purpose flour (use only Gold Medal, King Arthur, or Pillsbury): 1 cup plus 1 1/2 tablespoons (5.5 ounces or 156 grams)
sugar: 2 tablespoons (about 0.75 ounce or 25 grams)
instant yeast: 1 1/4 teaspoons (4 grams)
salt: 1/2 teaspoon (3.3 grams)
eggs: 2 large eggs, cold (4 ounces or 113 grams weighed in shells)
unsalted butter, very soft: 8 tablespoons (4 ounces or 113 grams)

Egg Glaze (if making a large loaf, glaze is optional)

eggs: 1 large egg yolk (1 tablespoon)
cream or milk: 1 teaspoon
  1. Step 1

    1. One day or up to 2 days ahead, make the dough.在搅拌机碗,水,糖,即时yeast, flour, and egg. Whisk by hand until very smooth, to incorporate air, about 3 minutes. The sponge will be the consistency of a very thick batter. (At first the dough may collect inside the whisk, but just shake it out and keep whisking. If it's too thick to whisk, it means you've added too much flour and will need to add a little of the eggs to be added Step 3.) Scrape down the sides of the bowl and set it aside, covered with plastic wrap.

  2. Step 2

    2. Combine the ingredients for the flour mixture and add to the sponge.In a small bowl, whisk the flour with the sugar and yeast. Then whisk in the salt (this keeps the yeast from coming in contact with the salt, which would kill it). Sprinkle this mixture on top of the sponge. Cover it tightly with plastic wrap and let it stand for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at room temperature. (During this time, the sponge will bubble through the flour mixture in places; this is fine.)

  3. Step 3

    3. Mix the dough.Add the 2 cold eggs and mix with the dough hook on low (#2 if using a KitchenAid) for about 1 minute or until the flour is moistened. Raise the speed to medium (#4 KitchenAid) and beat for 2 minutes. Scrape the sides of the bowl with an oiled spatula and continue beating for about 5 minutes longer or until the dough is smooth and shiny but very soft and sticky. It will mass around the dough hook but not pull away from the bowl completely.

    Step 4

    Add the butter by the tablespoon, waiting until each addition is almost completely absorbed before adding the next tablespoon, beating until all the butter is incorporated. The dough will be very soft and elastic and will stick to your fingers unmercifully, but don't be tempted to add more flour at this point; it will firm considerably after chilling. (The dough will weigh about 19 ounces/536 grams.)

  4. Step 5

    4. Let the dough rise.Using an oiled spatula or dough scraper, scrape the dough into a 1-quart dough rising container or bowl, greased lightly with cooking spray or oil. Lightly spray or oil the top of the dough and cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap. With a piece of tape, mark the side of the container at approximately where double the height of the dough would be. Allow the dough to rise until doubled, 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

  5. Step 6

    5. Chill the dough.Refrigerate the dough for 1 hour to firm it; this will prevent the butter from separating.

    Step 7

    Gently deflate the dough by stirring it with a rubber scraper or spatula, and return it to the refrigerator for another hour so that it will be less sticky and easier to handle.

  6. Step 8

    6. Deflate the dough and allow it to rest, chilled.Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface and press or roll it into a rectangle, flouring the surface and dough as needed to keep it from sticking. The exact size of the rectangle is not important. Give the dough a business letter turn, brushing off any excess flour, and again press down or roll it out into a rectangle. Rotate it 90 degrees so that the closed side is facing to your left. Give it a second business letter turn and round the corners. Dust it lightly on all sides with flour. Wrap it loosely but securely in plastic wrap and then place it in a large zip-seal bag. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours or up to 2 days to allow the dough to ripen (develop flavor) and firm.

  7. Step 9

    7. Shape the dough and let it rise.Remove the dough from the refrigerator and gently press it down to deflate it. Cut the dough into 16 pieces (a scant 1 1/4 ounces/33 grams each). Without a scale, the easiest way to divide the dough evenly is to lightly flour your hands and roll it into a long cylinder. Cut it in half, then continue cutting each piece in half until there are 16 pieces.

    Step 10

    Pinch off a little less than one-quarter of each piece, for the topknot. Roll each larger piece of dough into a ball and press it into a prepared brioche mold. With lightly floured hands, shape each of the dough pieces reserved for the topknots into an elongated pear form. Using your index finger, make a hole in the center of each brioche, going almost to the bottom of the mold, and insert the elongated part of a topknot deeply into the hole. Cover the molds loosely with oiled plastic wrap and let rise (ideally at 75° to 80°F) until the edges of the dough reach the tops of the molds, about 1 hour. (See page 493 for step-by-step illustrations.)

  8. Step 11

    8. Preheat the oven.Preheat the oven to 425°F 1 hour before baking. Have an oven shelf at the lower level and place a baking stone or baking sheet on it before preheating.

  9. Step 12

    9.釉和烤蛋糕。Lightly beat together the egg yolk and cream for the glaze. Brush the top of the brioche with the egg glaze, being careful not to drip any on the side of the pans, or it will impede rising. Allow it to dry for 5 minutes and then brush a second time with the glaze. Use greased scissors or a small sharp knife to make a 1/4-inch-deep cut all around the base of the topknot so it will rise to an attractive shape.

    Step 13

    Set the molds on a baking sheet and place them on the hot stone or hot baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until a skewer inserted under a topknot comes out clean (an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center will read about 190°F).

  10. Step 14

    10. Cool the brioche.Remove the brioche from the oven and unmold them onto a wire rack. Turn top side up and allow them to cool until barely warm.

    Step 15

    Note   The small brioche can be reheated in a 350°F oven for 5 minutes.


    Step 16

    For the best flavor development in Step 2, allow the sponge to ferment for 1 hour at room temperature, then refrigerate it for up to 24 hours.


    Step 17

    Black Pepper Brioche  When I tasted this brioche, filled with lobster salad, at Larry Forgione's An American Place years ago, I imagined that it would be a great counterpoint to the smokiness of bacon in a BLT. Simply add 1 1/2 teaspoons (4 grams) coarse or butcher's grind black pepper along with the salt. For foie gras, 1 tablespoon (12 grams) green peppercorns in vinegar (drained) can be substituted.

    Step 18

    Sweet Potato Brioche  This delightful version was inspired by Julia Carter, who used to be Susan Spicer's pastry chef at Bayona Restaurant in New Orleans. Sweet potato, or yam, adds a beautiful golden color and moister texture to the brioche, without adding the eggy flavor that more egg would produce. The flavor of the sweet potato, however, is so subtle as to be unnoticeable.

    Step 19

    Add 1/2 cup (about 4.5 ounces/126 grams) of sieved baked sweet potato or yam to the dough when adding the cold eggs. The overall sugar can be decreased by 1 tablespoon to compensate for the sweetness of the potato.

    Step 20

    Brioche Loaf  The basic recipe, or the above variations, can be baked as one large loaf. Follow the recipe as written through Step 6, then proceed as directed below.

  13. Step 21

    7. Shape the dough and let it rise.Deflate the dough as directed, then press or roll the dough into a rectangle about 7 1/2 inches long and 5 inches wide. Roll it down from the top in 3 turns, being sure to brush off any excess flour, pressing with your thumbs to seal the dough. Place it seam side down in the prepared pan, pressing it down firmly. Cover it lightly with oiled plastic wrap and allow it to rise until the top of the dough reaches the top of the pan, 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

  14. Step 22

    8. Preheat the oven.Preheat the oven to 350°F 30 minutes before baking. Have an oven shelf at the lowest level and place a baking stone or baking sheet on it before preheating.

  15. Step 23

    9.Glaze (if desired), slash, and bake the brioche loaf.For a shiny top crust, brush with the optional egg glaze. With a sharp knife or single-edged razor blade, make a 1/4- to 1/2-inch-deep lengthwise slash in the dough, starting about 1 inch from one end of the pan and going to within 1 inch of the other end.

    Step 24

    Set the pan on the hot stone or hot baking sheet. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown and a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean (an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center will read about 190°F).

  16. Step 25

    10. Cool the brioche loaf.Remove the brioche from the oven and unmold it onto a wire rack. Turn top side up and allow it to cool until barely warm, at least 2 hours.

  17. Giant Brioche

    Step 26

    Makes: a 9-inch-by-5-inch-high round loaf/2 1/4 pounds/1047 grams

    Step 27

    做一个双配方基本蛋糕面团普(2nds 6 ounces/1 kilogram, 80 grams), following the recipe as written through Step 6. Shape and let rise as in Step 7. Glaze and bake as in Steps 8 and 9, but after 5 minutes at 425°F turn down the oven to 375°F and continue baking for 45 to 55 minutes or until a skewer inserted under the topknot comes out clean. (An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center will read about 190°F.) After about 20 minutes at 375°F, or when the top crust is brown, tent it loosely with foil, shiny side out. Cool for several hours until barely warm.

  18. Dairy Dinner Challah

    Step 28

    人们经常抱怨白面包看起来干燥。这one isn't, because it's a true brioche, made with butter. According to kashruth (kosher) laws, bread made with butter or dairy products cannot be eaten when meat is served at the same meal. So break with tradition, and serve fish instead of chicken one Friday night. This challah will still be moist the next morning, ready to be lightly toasted and topped with smoked salmon.

    Step 29

    Makes: a 9-by-5-inch-high round loaf/ 2 1/4 pounds/1047 grams

    Step 30

    做一个双配方基本蛋糕面团普(2nds 6 ounces/1 kilogram, 80 grams), following the recipe as written through Step 6, then proceeding as directed below.

  19. Step 31

    7. Shape the dough and let it rise.从冰箱里取出面团。压平它gently so as not to activate the gluten, making it stretchy. For a loaf with a braided top, divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Roll each on a lightly floured counter into a rope about 26 inches long. (If the dough is very elastic, allow it to rest, covered with plastic wrap, for 5 to 10 minutes.) For the most symmetrical loaf, braid the dough starting from the center and working toward each end, pinching it at the ends (see page 73). Coil the braid into the pan, starting at the center, and tucking the end underneath. Or, for an elegant snail shape, make one long thick rope and coil it around in the same manner.

  20. Step 32

    8. Glaze the dough and let it rise.Brush the dough with the egg glaze, going deep into the crevices. Cover and refrigerate the remaining glaze. Cover the dough with a plastic box or oiled plastic wrap and allow it to rise in a warm place until the dough has reached the top of the pan, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

  21. Step 33

    9.Preheat the oven.Preheat the oven to 425°F 1 hour before baking. Have an oven shelf at the lowest level and place a baking stone or baking sheet on it before preheating.

  22. Step 34

    10. Glaze and bake the challah.Brush the challah again with the egg glaze, going well into the crevices; be careful not to drip any down the side of the pan, or it will impede rising. Sprinkle the challah with the poppy seeds.

    Step 35

    Place the pan onto the hot baking stone or hot baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes. Lower the heat to 375°F and continue baking for 50 to 55 minutes or until the bread is golden and a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean (an instant-read thermometer inserted into the center will read about 190°F). After about 20 minutes at 375°F, or when the top crust is brown, tent it loosely with foil.

  23. Step 36

    11. Cool the challah.Remove the pan from the oven and unmold the challah onto a wire rack. Turn it top side up to cool completely.

  24. Convenience Brioche

    Step 37

    To make the dough in a bread machine with a programmable setting and pause button, after mixing the sponge (Step 1), scrape it into the bread machine container and sprinkle the flour blanket on top, as in Step 2. Add the cold eggs (Step 3) and mix the dough for 3 minutes, then let it proceed through the knead cycle for about 8 minutes, or until the dough is smooth, shiny, and elastic. You will need to pause the machine a few times to scrape out any flour or dough that collects in the corners of the container. Add the softened butter at once and continue the kneading cycle until it is incorporated, about 3 minutes, pausing and scraping down the sides if necessary.

    Step 38

    For the first rise (Step 4), turn off the machine and let the dough rise (with the lid closed) until approximately doubled, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Remove the container from the machine, cover it with plastic wrap, and refrigerate it for 1 hour (Step 5). Return the container to the bread machine (you can leave the plastic wrap in place) and deflate the dough by pressing the mix button and mixing for about 30 seconds. Return the container to the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then proceed from Step 6, deflating and chilling the dough.


    Step 39

    • In a superb article on brioche in Pleasures of Cooking, the cookbook author Paula Wolfert recommends melting and browning about one-fifth of the butter (2 tablespoons) for an extra rich, delicious flavor.

    Step 40

    • On some mixers there may not be an adjustment to raise the bowl, and the dough hook may not work as well for this small amount of dough; if this is the case, use the paddle beater.

    Step 41

    • If after unmolding a brioche loaf the sides are still pale in color, place the loaf directly on the oven rack and continue baking for about 5 minutes to brown the sides and make them firm to prevent collapse.

    Step 42

    • If a deeper shine is desired, the brioche can be double-glazed by brushing with the glaze immediately after shaping and then a second time just before baking. This also serves to prevent the dough from drying out during rising. Understanding


    Step 43

    这dough is exceptionally wet. Just enough extra flour is added to be able to handle it for shaping, resulting in a very light, soft bread. I do not use the food processor for this dough because it is so sticky that it is very difficult to remove from the bowl and blade; it also lifts up the blade when incorporating the butter.


    Step 44

    Flour: 100%
    Water: 55.4% (includes the water in the butter and egg white)
    Yeast: 2.1%
    Salt: 1.5%
    Fat: 47.7% (includes the fat in the egg yolk)

Reprinted from The Bread Bible by Rose Levy Berenbaum. Copyright (c) 2003 by Rose Levy Beranbaum. With permission of the publisher, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
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Reviews (21)

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  • the recipe is unclear in step 1 how long and whether at room temperature or refrigerated (if overnight) - the sponge should sit covered before moving to step 2.


    • Rrchester mn

    • 12/22/2018

  • I'm really kind of a beginner when it comes to baking bread, but this recipe was just flawless. I'm making a double batch for the third time tomorrow.

    • jacqueline.vivian284

    • Indiana

    • 12/23/2017

  • 这was truly delicious. After you wait 2 hours for it to cool down, the brioche is moist, springy, buttery... heavenly. Better than any commercial brioche. I started the recipe on a Thursday evening - I let the sponge develop for 24 hours in the fridge and then another 2 days of rest for the finished dough, so that by Sunday morning I was ready to bake this in time for brunch. The resting period does get rid of any trace of yeast alcohol flavor. I baked it with a cup of water in the oven to create steam, and I also let it cool down in the mold - I think this protects the brioche from becoming too dry. I cut the dough into eight equal pieces, rolled eight balls and placed them in 2 rows of 4 balls in a regular loaf pan. This results in a "Brioche de Nanterre" loaf that looks more attractive than a regular loaf. No need to slash but do apply the egg wash.

    • mprats

    • New York, NY

    • 3/26/2017

  • OMG I just made this and its AMAZING!!!! thanks for the recipe! one question, at the step below, how long can it be kept in the rerigerator? can I keep it for 3 days or would that ruin it? "Refrigerate for at least 6 hours or up to 2 days to allow the dough to ripen (develop flavor) and firm."

    • patyperez1

    • LA

    • 2/25/2017

  • OMG! I scoured the web for the best Brioche and found several, but since I trust Epicurious I went with this recipe. I have always found Brioche recipes daunting and was a bit intimidated by this one but I went for it and I am so pleased with the results. Despite missing a step, which I recovered, the dough came out great and the end result was spectacular. I shared it with my "tasting panel" and they are still raving about the great flavor and texture. The only change I made was to add a bit of Nutmeg because it is my go-to spice. I am so pleased and I cannot wait to make it again, with a variation.

    • chefg_a

    • Lorton, VA

    • 2/3/2017

  • I've made this a few times and it is definitely my "go-to" recipe for brioche.. However, I always manage to overcook them on the bottom. I usually cook them by rolling into 4-5" pancakes, stuffing them with chocolate, letting them rise, double egg wash.. What can I do to keep the bottoms cool?

    • jessydrastic

    • Stoughton, MA

    • 5/12/2016

  • Hi, I'm excited to make this brioche recipe but I've got a question. For "ULTIMATE FULL FLAVOR VARIATION" you suggest that "in Step 2, allow the sponge to ferment for 1 hour at room temperature, then refrigerate it for up to 24 hours" Are we allowing just the sponge (what we mixed in step 1) to ferment at room temp for 1 hour or are we allowing the sponge mixed together with the remaining ingredient mixture (what we mix in step 2) to ferment at room temp for that hour? Thanks in advance...

    • ladymac83

    • Richmond, VA

    • 3/14/2016

  • It takes a long time, but the effort is really worth it. I love that the ingredients needed is common in the house and not something you have to go searching for. I think you can do a lot of things with the dough. I tried by adding several things before baking, such as nuts, chocolate chips, etc, and it turns out to be great! Also I'm adding cooked meat and stuffing inside so that it can be eaten as a quick snack, or easy lunch. Thanks for the recipe!!

    • ilarakhi

    • Calgary

    • 1/22/2015

  • I believe this may be my first review on this site but this recipe definitely merits a review. I quadrupled the recipe for my first attempt at making brioche (4 loaves) and the brioche turned out beautifully. The time it took to make the brioche dough from scratch was well worth it! I used the brioche loaf to make mascarpone stuffed french toast....I only got "yummmms" out of people's mouths. :)

    • tamioei

    • 6/19/2014

  • Although this recipe is time consuming, it was well worth the wait! I used it to make a batch of maple pumpkin pecan sticky rolls [my own recipe] and they turned out beautifully.

    • gratiae

    • Seattle, WA

    • 12/3/2012

  • I love this recipe. I've used it so many times. I like using the organic cultured butter from Whole Foods in this recipe. I use brioche as the base for many appetizers, toppings, coatings and bread pudding.

    • janetkeefe

    • Los Angeles, Hawaii

    • 6/17/2012

  • Made this recipe a few times, I even quadrupled it once and it's absolutely perfect. @Ethanallen - you definitely missed something, you're supposed to leave the dough at room temperature for 1 hour and then refrigerate it until the next day.

    • monagarcea

    • Toronto

    • 12/23/2011

  • Did I miss something? I made the first step, left it out on the counter.. came back the next morning and remembered that in the past 24 hours there was a mixture that contained EGG on my counter on a 90 degree summer day. Of course I threw the whole thing out, but should a raw egg be left out of refrigeration for two days without sickening people?

    • ethanallen

    • Brookfield, CT

    • 8/11/2011

  • Perfect. I have never made bread before and it turned out like one wonderful butter croissant.

    • JessicaMCasper

    • Charleston, SC

    • 7/3/2010

  • exellent recipe, made it to use in a bread pudding and had a hard time keeping myself from eating it instead.

    • Anonymous

    • normal,illinois

    • 2/5/2010

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