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Upgrade Your Campsite Cocktail Hour With These Essential Tools

You worked hard to pitch that tent, you deserve more than cheap beer.

The Best Camping Cooking Gear for More Than Just S’mores

You don’t need to pack your entire kitchen, but a few choice cooking tools will make mealtime the highlight of any camping trip.

Everything You Need to Have a Campfire Cookout

Dine in the great outdoors before the season ends.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Ten

It's the last day of camp!

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Nine

Envision the icebox cake you want to see in the world.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Eight

An intro to stashing: tomato sauce and smoothie packs.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Seven

Time for herbs and crafts.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Six

Party planning over eggsintoast.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Five

Put those homemade marshmallows to work with an end-of-week-one campfire cookout.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Four

Scramble the eggs and pack the potatoes.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Three

Let's get scrappy and make a bit of fluff.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day Two

It's time for graham crackers and ghost stories.

Small Plates Kids Cooking Camp: Day One

Get ready for herb-planting and granola-making.

Skillet Pizzas and Shooting Stars: Campfire Cooking With Kids

Marnie Hanel, co-author ofThe Campout Cookbook, talks about how she cooks when camping—and why camping with toddlers is worth the (not insignificant) effort.

Pack a Picnic This Weekend

Whether you're heading to the beach, on a hike, taking a road trip or just heading to the neighborhood park, take some good food along with you.

How to Pack Your Cooler for Camping the Right Way

Want to keep your cool at the campfire? There's a trick to it.

Camp Cooking With the Boy Scouts

One food editor. Zero camping experience. 12 Boy Scouts.