Photo of a cabbage steak on a plate with a fork a knife and a glass of white wine on the side. One of our best cabbage...
Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

COOK90 2020, Week 1: Meal Plan and Grocery List

January 1st is coming. You're going to need groceries.

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To everybody who is doing COOK90 this year—do not be alarmed! It’s not January yet! I’m writing this on the last Sunday of 2019 merely to give you a head’s up thatCOOK90starts on Wednesday—and you’re going to need groceries.

If you’re following theOfficial Meal Plan of COOK90 2020, I’ve made getting those groceries easy. Below, you’ll find a list of everything you’ll need to make dinner every night in this first short week of COOK90. (I’ve included groceries for a New Year’s Day brunch, too, but otherwise, when it comes to breakfast and lunch, you’re on your own.)

Are you excited? Get excited! This is one of the strongest opening weeks to COOK90 we’ve ever had. The recipes are packed with greens, lentils, grains, and chickpeas, and also feta, garlic, and crispy croutons. There arecabbage “steaks.”There’s a“power sprinkle.”There’s a“salad pasta,”which is not to be confused with pasta salad. There are so many things I can’t wait to cook that—no joke—I’m tempted to start COOK90today.

I’ll wait, of course. Because one of my favorite parts of COOK90 is cooking with y’all. I love knowing that on Wednesday night, when I’m making Carla Lalli Music’shomey, hearty lentil soup, you’ll be doing the same thing. And so will thousands of other people who want to spend the month getting smarter—and savvier! And faster! And more sustainable!—in the kitchen.

Get the recipe for that soup—and every other recipe for the month—here. Have questions for me or anybody else on the Epicurious staff? Hit up our newCOOK90 forum—we’re in there waiting to chat. And as always, you can find me doing my COOK90 thing onInstagram.

Now rest up, stock up, and get hyped up—this is going to be the best COOK90 yet.

COOK90 2020 Grocery List, Week 1

You’ll lean heavily on these cooking essentials throughout the week. Make sure you’re stocked up!

Butter (at least 9 tablespoons)
Kosher salt
Black pepper

1 dozen eggs (plus more if you want to eat some for breakfast)
Creme fraîche or sour cream (at least 3 tablespoons)
A hunk of Parmesan
1 (½-pound) block Greek or Bulgarian feta
Plain yogurt (at least ½ cup)
5 ounces boneless smoked trout, smoked salmon, or cooked crab

6 lemons (some will be used for juice)
1 bunch dill
1 bunch basil
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch mature arugula
1 (5-ounce) package baby arugula
1 small bunch oregano (or 1 tablespoon dried)
2 bunches curly green kale
2 bunches hearty greens such as collards, Tuscan kale, or more curly green kale
2 medium purple or green cabbages
2 large tomatoes (or 1 small can tomatoes)
2 carrots
3 large onions
3 heads garlic

Red pepper flakes
Aleppo-style pepper
Coriander seeds
Cumin (seeds or ground)
Bay leaves
Curry powder
1 cup sunflower seeds
½ cup chia seeds
½ cup flaxseeds
½ cup raw sesame seeds
Dijon mustard
Mayonnaise (at least ½ cup)
Tomato paste
1 pound penne (any variety, including whole wheat or chickpea)
¾ cup wheat berries, spelt, unhulled barley, or short grain brown rice
¾ cup French green lentils
3 cans chickpeas
3 (14-ounce) cans lima or other large white beans, or 4 cups homemade beans
2 (14-ounce) cans artichoke hearts
1 (2.2-ounce) can oil-packed anchovy fillets

2 large loaves sourdough or country-style bread (stick one in the freezer to keep it fresh)