Passover Strategies for Planners and Procrastinators

What kind of Passover planner are you?

Passover is a time to celebrate with family and friends. But depending on your family and friends, that can be a lot of pressure—even for the most organized seder host. Here are three approaches to planning (or just surviving) your Passover seder, even if you’re setting up the day of.

The Type-A Planner

You’re the kind of Passover planner that's printing your seat assignments,marinating the best brisket of all time with some Pinot Noir, and probably polishing your glassware as you're reading this. If it were up to you, you’d plan the pulses of your seder guests. Is there anything you could have possibly overlooked?

Look toNapa cuisineor check outsome inspiration from the Mediterraneanfor the elegant seder that everyone will want to talk about the next day. You need to ramp up your matzo ball soup with roasted fennel,slow-cooking and with plenty of (homemade) chicken stock. Passover pros make their matzo balls two to three days in advance. If you want a visually striking finish to your best seder spread, trya flourless almond and pistachio cake.

The Realistic Passover Host

You’re excited about putting together a Passover celebration, but you don’t want spend all day toiling in the kitchen. After all, you want to bond with family and friends, not with the kitchen appliances. With a little bit of advance planning, you can craft a Passover spread that’s a little more modern without devoting the entire week preparing.

You have the time to innovate a little bit and try some new takes, likea lighter coconut rhubarb custard or chicken with rampsora potato kugel that recognizes tradition, then amps it up. With minimal fuss, you can make somegorgeous coffee meringueslong before you have to put anything else together.

The Last Minute Feast

You like to play things by ear, even in the case of large gatherings involving slow-cooked food, established traditions, and open flames. You also may have just forgotten to get anything together for seder dinner. Not to worry: With a little kitchen magic and just a few ingredients, you canfake it until you make it. Use some shortcuts and raid your pantry’s ingredients for a fast way to seder dinner.

Don’t have time for brisket? Chicken thighs area perfect-for-procrastination protein, with a cook time of less than an hour. While you couldmake these harissa-glazed carrotssix hours early, they’re just as good at the last minute. Skip the baking—try thisolive oil dark chocolate mousse. Make it the first thing in the morning—it has to set for several hours. If you really don’t have time to wait on a mousse to settle, achocolatey matzo crumbleshould be your back up. The brittle crunch could fool anybody into thinking you spent all day cooking. Your secret is safe with us.

The Passover Guest

你休息一下。热炉,原始stemware, and accommodating extended family is for somebody else this year. If you can show up, that's halfway to a successful Passover. But you'd better not show up empty-handed—that's a one-way track to no future invitations. If anything, not hosting allows you to focus on making one standout dish to bring or maybesome kosher wine. We suggest thesecoconut macaroons with limefor a twist of citrus, ora nutty no-cook haroseththat takes less than a hour.