Image may contain Food and Bread
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

How to Properly Dispose of Cooking Oil and Grease

Don't contribute to the Fatberg!

Have you heard? The world's sewers are headed straight foran aneurysm of hair and congealed fat. Caused by solidified cooking oils that pick up debris and expand, becoming enormous obstructions in the sewer system, these early clogs may be museum-worthy, but they're also destructive (and dangerous to the workers who try to remove them). So how can we help prevent Fatbergs? By learning how to dispose of cooking fats—from vegetable oil to animal grease—properly.

"Never put any amount of grease or oil down the drainorin the toilet," says Elizabeth Balkan, director of food waste for theNatural Resources Defense Council. "It may ruin your pipes—and it will definitely become a problem for the sewage system." In most states, commercial kitchens have strict laws governing the disposal of kitchen fats, namely mandated grease traps and waste collection that transports large quantities of used grease and oil to be converted into biofuel. (For more on that, reach out to theGreen Restaurant Association.)

An open letter to bacon grease: you don't have to go down the drain, but you can't stay here.

Photo by Alex Lau

For the most part, home cooks don't have those options. According toBeth Porter, climate and recycling director for Green America, "Some municipal programs may offer curbside pick up for oil with detailed instructions, but most areas do not and ask that residents drop off collected used oil at specific locations." You can check your zip code against the search termcooking oilonEarth 911to find out if you're in the minority.

For the rest of us, the best way to deal with used grease and oil is to first ask: "Can I reuse it?"Bacon greaseorschmaltz(akachicken grease) are well known cooking agents. Use melted, cooled grease in any way you might use vegetable oil for savory applications (cornbread,roasted potatoes, orany roasted vegetablefor that matter). Solidified grease can be used in place of lard or shortening forbiscuitsor turned into a spread for toast the same way you might makecompound butter.

If you're not into enjoying the glory of grease, maybe your pets are? Balkan says grease is great for makingdog biscuitsand that you can dip a pine cone in melted grease or oil, coat it with seeds, and hang it from a tree branch for a makeshift bird feeder.

Still not your dice? "Asmallamount of fat or grease can be added to compost" if you're into that sort of thing, says Balkan. "But it has to be done right, sodo your homework." Of course, that's only if you're home-composting. Most municipal compost collection facilities won't allow grease or oil with your weekly drop off, so check your local rules before your nextweekend fry-up. Another great option: pour hot grease or oil over a bin full of crumpled up paper towels. Once the grease solidifies, Balkan says the towels can be used (responsibly!) as fire starters in your fireplace orcharcoal chimneysince fats are highly combustible.

If none of the above are options for you, there isone last cooking oil–disposal resort: keep a closed vessel in arm's reach of your stove. This could be an empty, rinsed aluminum can fitted with areusable silicone lidor a plastic yogurt tub orstorage container. Avoid using glass, Balkan warns, since glass has a tendency to shatter and "enhances the risk of injury to sanitation workers." Whenever there's an excess of spent grease or oil in your kitchen, let it cool slightly, then pour it into your chosen vessel. When the vessel is full, chill it overnight so the fat solidifies, then toss in into your regular trash bin. It isn't the greatest option for an environmentally conscious cook, but it's the best one we have right now.