Image may contain Spice Plant Food Produce and Wristwatch
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Prop Styling by Beatrice Chastka

How to Organize Spices for Better, Easier Weeknight Cooking

Clear out your spice rack and you just might get inspired.

You had big dreams when you bought that皇家Berberespice blend. Dreams that never came to pass because life got in the way and you got stuck in thesame old cooking routineusing the same spices and herbs you've always used.

But there's a simple, albeit somewhat counterintuitive, way to get out of that rut: clear out your spice drawer. Set aside an hour (it shouldn't take long) and take stock of the spices you have on hand, tossing those spices that you're never going to use so you can cook more creatively with the rest. Simply put: a clean, organized spice drawer inspires more inventive, flavorful cooking.

Here's how to do it:

1. Pull all your spices out

Clean off the counter and pull out every jar, tin, and sachet of spices and dried herbs you have floating around your kitchen.

2. Toss any spices past their prime

If it's more than a year old, and you don't remember the last time you used it, the Epi Test Kitchen says it has to go. Whole spices will generally keep a little longer than ground spices—one of the best arguments for buying whole instead of ground in the first place—and, according to senior food editor and Test Kitchen spice wizardAndy Baraghani, "spices that are more dense have a longer shelf life." That means that papery cardamom pod probably won't last as long as a rock-hard nutmeg kernel. If you're unsure, just crush or grate a little and give it a sniff—you shouldn't have to try too hard to detect an aroma that's distinctly of the spice in question.

Openbowls of ground spicesmay look cute on recipe websites, but they'll lose flavor fast; use them up quick or toss them out!

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

3. Combine spices and make spice rubs

Have two half-empty (but still fragrant) jars ofchili powder? Go ahead and mix them together. You can also take this opportunity towhip up some spice blends. Is there arub you love using all summer for grilled steak? Make a batch of it now—a flavorful mix at the ready means you're one step closer to an impromptu backyard cookout. You can even mix whole spices together to grind into a spice rub later using anelectric spice grinderormortar and pestle.

4. Arrange your spices so they're accessible but away from heat

Personally, I prefer my spices arranged alphabetically and I lay them flat in a drawer. Perhaps you prefer a cabinet or rack situation? Andy likes to "store everything inclear, air-tight identical jars" in a cabinet at eye level so he can grab what he wants at a glance. There are benefits to each of these scenarios, but the most important factor in deciding what kind of spice storage you want is determining what would work best in your kitchen: keeping spices away from heat is key to extending their shelf lives, so try topick a spot that's removed from the ovenand bright windows.

If you, like Andy, choose to decant your spices into uniform containers, he stresses the importance of labelling each jar; masking tape and a marker will do, but if you want to go the more expensive label-maker route though,go for it. Just make sure to note both the type of spice or spice mix and the date that it was purchased or blended. (That way, next time you're cleaning things out, you'll know for certain how old things are.)

Stack your spice jars neatly in rows with the labels facing out, taking care tomove any older spices to the frontso you remember they're there and can reach for them first. Want more spice storage tips?Here are our staff's favorite spice-organizing tools and equipment.

5. Actually cook with the spices you have

So how can you move through your spice stash more quickly? When you're baking, look for recipes like thisapple spice cake, which is made withnutmeg,cinnamon,allspice,ginger,black pepper,cloves, and evencream of tartar.

Thisswirled tea cakeis another great contender—it's made withcardamomandsesame seeds(which can be subbed out for other whole seeds you may have on hand such as poppy or flax).

And who says it needs to be fall to enjoy a pumpkin spiced dessert? Make a batch of this evocativespice mixand you can enjoy PSLs all year long.

Rather go a savory route? How about aspiced seed sprinklewith pepitas,sesame seeds,cayenne, andcardamomthat can be dashed over everything from carrots tochickento a simple green salad for added flavor and crunch.

Or grind up any spices you think might be complementary and stir them into yourhummus.Paprikais traditional with hummus, but trycoriander,cumin,红色的pepper flakes,allspice, orthyme.

Add spices to youralmond butter(homemadeorstore-bought) to give your regular snacks a boost.Cinnamonandnutmegare a natural fit, butcardamomis a surprising but incredible addition, especially when combined with salt and a drizzle of honey.

一个伟大的方式来使用香料是看world cuisinewith which you're unfamiliar. Maybe you bought thatcuminandcorianderfor a Tex-Mex dish, but both spices are equally at home inMiddle Eastern,Indian, or摩洛哥cuisines. Recipes likeCaribbean jerk chickenmake use of spices that Americans generally consider "sweet spices" such asallspiceandcloves.

Have a glut ofbay leaves? They're essential to authenticPhilippine adobo.

Finally, don't be afraid to swap out spices in your favorite recipes. Have an abundance of茴香种子but a recipe that calls foranise? The flavors are nearly identical and one can be substituted for the other in equal amounts. Even when spice flavors aren't similar, a little experimentation can lead to the greatest discoveries: makesnickerdoodleswithpowdered gingerinstead ofcinnamon. Tossdill seedinto a rye or苏打面包配方instead ofcaraway. (It'll still be perfect with smoked salmon.) Ormake your own crackersand top with any combination of whole spice seeds you have kicking around.

Once you have your spices organized, mix them together any way you want usingAnna Stockwell's No Recipe Required method for grilled chicken: