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Chelsea Kyle

13 Fresh Herbs and How to Use Them

What does sage look like? Thyme? Oregano? Our list of 13 herbs is here to help!

Fresh herbs like mint, basil, and tarragon have long been prized throughout the world for their curative properties (mint for indigestion, basil for kidney problems, and tarragon for snake bites). This guide focuses on the herbs'culinaryapplications. Read on for a list of herbs that are commonly used to create delicious dishes, as well as expert tips on choosing, storing and cooking with fresh herbs.

13 Types of Fresh Herbs


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Alternate names:Coriander leaf, Chinese parsley, koyendoro, Mexican parsley, pak chee, yuen-sai, green coriander, coriander green, dhania

Characteristics:You either love cilantro or hate it. Cilantro's flavor is described by some as bright and citrusy, and as soapy by others. This herb pops up in the cuisines of India, Mexico, and Vietnam in dishes like dhania chutney, salsa, and pho. The seeds of the plant are called coriander and are used insome pickling recipes, as well as inboerewors, a South African sausage.

What does cilantro look like?Its leaves look like flat-leaf parsley's, but note the smaller leaves and lankier stem.


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Characteristics:In the United States, the two most widely available varieties of mint are peppermint and spearmint. Peppermint has a strong, cooling aftertaste due to the high concentration of menthol; spearmint is lighter and sweeter to the palate. Lesser-known types of mint include ginger, apple, and curly mint, which, when used in large quantities, impart the flavor that is connected to its name. Mint is a common ingredient in Thai food like rolls, as well as in Middle Eastern dishes such as tabbouleh, and in traditionalmint teafrom North Africa. It's not unusual to see mint paired withlambor巧克力; other popular uses for the herb are jellies, sauces and cocktails such as theMint JulepandMojito.

What does mint look like?Both mint and spearmint have rough-fuzzy, jagged, green leaves.


Alternate Names:Curly parsley, flat-leafed (Italian) parsley

Characteristics:This unsung hero can do more than just garnish a plate. In French and Italian cooking, many a stock, stew, and soup calls for bouquet garni flavored by this herb. Generally speaking, flat parsley has a peppery bite whereas the curly kind is relatively bland. And as their names denote, they have textural differences, too. Pastas and egg recipes often benefit from a sprinkling of chopped parsley; the herb's clean, light flavor cuts down on heavy creaminess and also acts as a palate-cleanser. For something different, try substituting parsley for basil when makingpesto.

What does parsley look like?Italian parsley has broad, serrated, green leaves. As the name suggests, curly parsley's leaves are curled (and also green).


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Alternate names:dill leaf, dillweed, dill weed

Characteristics:莳萝引发强烈反应:一些describe the flavor as clean and grassy, while others dislike it for being tangy and earthy. And even though this herb is often associated with Scandinavian cuisine (especially salmon)—gravlax, anyone?—it's found in other international dishes, as well:tzatziki(Greek),corn(Indian), andborscht(Eastern Europe). Often used inpickling, dill goes well with potatoes and dips that incorporate mayonnaise and sour cream.

What does dill look like?This herb resembles a finer, more delicate fern with leaves that are soft, like super fine hairs.


Alternate Names: Sweet (Italian, Genovese) basil, purple basil, Thai basil

Characteristics:Basil is the most commonly used herb in the United States. Peppery with a mild anise flavor, Italian basil is relatively sweeter than its purple counterpart. Sweet green basil is largely showcased in dishes from Italy (basil pesto) and Southeast Asia (green chicken curry), proving its versatility. The dark color of purple basil makes it a wonderful garnish in dishes. Both of these leaves should be added at the end of cooking for maximum flavor. Thai basil has a stronger anise flavor and holds up well to high heat cooking.

What does basil look like?The leaves of the purple basil tend to be smaller than that of sweet basil, which is green. The leaves of Thai basil are more elongated, with an appearance similar to mint, and can range from green to purple, but generally have purple stems.


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Alternate names:Wild marjoram, pot marjoram

Characteristics:Oregano's hint of sweetness combined with some spiciness adds warmth to any dish. Fresh oregano can be difficult to find in the marketplace and because dried oregano has a stronger flavor than the fresh, use it sparingly. Mediterranean (Greek) oregano is typically milder than Mexican oregano, the former being used in pizza seasonings and the latter sometimes called for in chili recipes.

What does oregano look like?The green leaves of oregano are flat and oval and can range from fuzzy to smooth. This herb is often mistaken for marjoram as they belong to the same family and look very much alike. The difference is in the taste (oregano is mostly spicy while marjoram is lemony sweet).


Characteristics:Rosemary has a strong, even pungent, pinelike fragrance and flavor. Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary gained popularity with Italian cooking in Tuscan favorites likeschiacciata, a flatbread that is sometimes made savory with rosemary-infused oil, andchicken cacciatore. The herb pairs well with pork chops, poultry, and even fish, (especially when grilled). Vegetarians can enjoy the herb in potatoes. For an unusual sweet-savory treat, considerrosemary shortbread cookies.

What does rosemary look like?Rosemary is a very unique-looking herb. It grows on woody stems as needles. Both the stemsandthe needles can be used for cooking (the stems can flavor soups and roasts).

8. Chives

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Characteristics:Chives' deep-green hollow stems lend a refreshingly light oniony taste, which helps cut down on the heaviness of rich foods such as blue cheese and chive dressing and risotto cakes. When finely chopped, chives work well as a garnish.

What do chives look like?Related to onions and other bulb vegetables, this herb looks a lot like lawn grass.

9. Sage

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Characteristics:Its taste ranges from mild to slightly peppery with some touches of mint. Because of its pronounced flavoring, sage is a good herb to pair with foods traditionally considered heavy, rich, and creamy, like meats (sausage), and certain dairy products such as cheese and cream (ravioli with sage cream sauce), as well as sweet and savory breads (cornbread). Unlike more delicate herbs, sage can be added in the beginning of the cooking process.

What does sage look like?Sage has light gray-green leaves that are soft and fuzzy to the touch.

10. Savory

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Alternate name:Bean herb, mountain savory

Characteristics:There are two varieties of savory: winter savory and summer savory. In general, savory has a peppery flavor, although winter savory is more pungent and stronger flavored than the summer variety. This herb has long been incorporated into European cuisines such as beans, meat, and poultry. It is also commonly added to soups and stews that have meat or poultry and/or beans.

What does savory look like?Its long and thin stalks grow delicate, narrow green leaves.

11. Thyme

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Characteristics:The tiny leaves on this low-growing woody plant work best in tandem with other herbs and spices such as basil, sage, and lavender. Thyme is a major ingredient in the classic French flavoring herbes de Provence. And it plays a major role, next to parsley and bay leaf, in another blend of French herbs, bouquet garni, a crucial flavor component in broths, soups, and stews. Thyme's importance in Middle Eastern cooking cannot be understated; along with oregano and marjoram, it is a crucial element in za'atar. This herbal blend is often used in flatbreads such as pita, as well as to flavor roasted meat and poultry. Like rosemary, recipes calling for thyme require you to strip the leaves off the woody stems. Using the entire herb infuses a headier scent and flavor.

What does thyme look like?It depends. There are three kinds of thyme: English thyme, German thyme and French thyme. The French and English variety featured green, pointy leaves with red tinted stems, but the German variety has rounded leaves and green stems.


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Alternate name:French tarragon, Dragon herb

Characteristics:龙蒿传授一个微妙的茴香的味道(如地方政府投资公司orice and fennel) that is more sweet than strong. The herb is often paired with foods that easily absorb other flavors such as chicken, scallops, and eggs. Once considered the king of herbs in French cuisine, tarragon is an essential ingredient in the classic béarnaise sauce. It's not an easy herb to keep for long periods of time so it is often placed in a bottle of vinegar.

What does tarragon look like?Tarragon has glossy, long, tapered leaves. Elegant in form, the herb makes for an elegant garnish.

13. Marjoram

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Alternate names:Sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram

Characteristics:Marjoram has a grassy, lemony taste that is almost sweet. Like thyme, marjoram works well in ensembles (herbes de Provence and za'atar) and pairs nicely with meats and poultry, especially in stews. In Mexico, marjoram, thyme, and oregano are combined to create a lively pungenthierbas de olor, the Mexican equivalent to the French bouquet garni. Try also using marjoram in tomato sauce, white bean salads, fish dishes and vinaigrettes.

What does marjoram look like?Marjoram looks just like oregano, with green, oval, flat leaves. Both are members of the mint family. The difference is all in their taste. Marjoram is sweet, while oregano is spicy.

Tips for Using Fresh Herbs:

Cooking with herbs requires self-control: Add too much and you'll crush other flavors. Add too little (or none at all) and your dish will taste bland. So start with a little and then gradually increase the amount so that you achieve proper proportions. The tips below will help.

1. Look for Herbs that Stand Tall

Choose herbs that are erect and can be held upright without limping or drooping. Leaves ought to be vibrantly colored and without brown spots, and their scent should be strong and fresh-smelling.

2. Refrigerate the Herbs

To help herbs last a few days longer, refrigerate them. Flat leaves or small stems can be gently wrapped in a damp paper towel and then sealed in a plastic bag. If you have larger quantities or for bigger herbs, like a bunch of basil, stand them upright in a glass filled with water before refrigerating.

3. Save Fresh Herbs for Last

When using fresh herbs in a recipe, add them at the end so the heat doesn't destroy their flavor.

4. Use Dried Herbs in a Pinch

Try to use fresh herbs and not the dried versions, but if you do substitute dried herbs, the general rule of thumb is one teaspoon dried for one tablespoon chopped fresh.

5. Try Growing Your Own!

Consider growing your own herbs if you can. Having fresh herbs available minimizes waste, since there is no rush to use all of the herbs immediately. Visit your local nursery garden for seeds, seedlings, and other garden supplies. For some of the more obscure varieties, consider online catalog companies such asBurpeeandPark Seed.